Thursday, January 19, 2012

Saturday Jan. 28 outing....devotional thoughts

We have a great group going snow tubing together Saturday Jan. 28.  This will be one of the highlights of this year, I'm sure!  Please contact me asap to put your name on the list.
Leaving at 9am from Evangel Christian School 5400 Minor Lane
cost:  $25 snow tubing at Paoli....dinner and carpooling money
Snow tube 11am-2pm.....dinner 3pm
arrive back 5pm
wear warm clothing for snow...hat, gloves....bring change of casual clothes for dinner.
Devotional Thoughts:
"You can make this choice by loving the Lord your God, obeying Him, and committing yourself firmly to him.  This is the key to your life"  Deut. 30:20
What are you preoccupied with right now?  Maybe you are focused on the biggest item on your to-do list, the biggest problem you face, or the biggest desire in your heart.  Whatever it is, it takes up a lot of mental space...and our brains have limited focus.
Chris Tiegreen suggests that our preoccupations don't usually line up with Scripture.  The Word continually points us back to worship or praise or some other Kingdom focus.  But instead we are distracted by competing demands about careers and relationships and personal plans for the future.  In themselves, these things are not wrong.  But we have a way of making them disproportionately large.  Our one true focus -- God -- seems to get pushed out of the way to make room.
Why do you think we are not more preoccupied with Him?  Why wouldn't we wake up each day with one pressing question:  How can I love Him well?  Other concerns can drain energy from our primary purpose.  Unless we fulfill our primary purpose, none of the rest falls into place or ultimately satisfies us.  But if we choose to love God not just in theory but in the largest spaces of our hearts and minds, He becomes more practically and powerfully present in us and with us.  He watches over our concerns when we watch over His.
Choose to love and adore Him as your primary preoccupation, and see what He does with the other concerns of your life.  He will fight battles, win victories, and resolve issues for those who are focused on Him.
With much love and appreciation,

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