Tuesday, January 25, 2011

This Thursday Source group.....Friday Feb. 4 PreSuper Bowl Party

Since we did not have Source group last thursday due to snow, we will study last week devotional this week.
Flier will be emailed to you this week with info about Feb. 4 Pre-Superbowl Party at my home.
Date:   Friday Feb. 4
Time:  7 - 10pm
Location:  10225 Bardstown bluff Rd,   40291  (approx 3 miles south of Gene Snyder off Bardstown Rd)
Wear:  colors of your fav team:  Steelers- Black/yellow gold
                                               Packers- Green/yellow
Bring:  favorite dish or snack  (email me what you will bring)
games, laughs, music, prayer/share, food
Plan to attend. .......

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Devotional for Jan. 20.....Pre-superbowl Party Friday Feb. 4

*********Annual SINGLES PRE-SUPERBOWL PARTY Friday February 4, 2011***********
      10225 Bardstown Bluff Road  40291  (Hoagland Home)  7:00 - 10:00pm
        Bring favorite dish or snack (casserole, dip/chips, veg/fruit tray, dessert, etc...)
                                 RSVP to this email
                      Mark your calendars now...bring a friend.
We meet at 6:15pm each Thursday in Minors Lane foyer for our small group study.  Please join us.
9th and Final character Trait:  GRATITUDE
read pages 139-144  Character Matters by Dr. Mark Rutland
Gratitude:  Character In Celebration
Interesting story about Evangelist Kathryn Kuhlman....She faced a life changing situation in 1948 as her husband filed for divorce.  In 1948, a divorced, single female evangelist was not possible.  The sheriff who served her the papers, however was sent by God.  He said, "My office ordinarily releases the names of all divorce suits to the local newspaper, but I have been attending your services and am convinced God sent you to this crime-riddled county for a special purpose.  There is no need for anyone but the two of us to know what has happened.  God bless you and your ministry among us.  I am at your service."  Every year, until the day of his death, nearly 25 years later, that burly sheriff received an expensive flower arrangement on his birthday.  The card always said the same thing:  "with gratitude from Kathryn Kuhlman."
Homer Smith wrote a series of famous books.  "The Lilies of the Field" was made into a movie in 1963.  Mr. Smith was not a particularly educated man, but he was a Christian man with a great deal of wisdom.  Near the end of this story, by the use of an English lesson, Homer Smith tricked the old nun into saying "thank you" for building her church.  She had refused to express gratitude her entire life, but when she finally did, she found it to be a jolting experience.
Gratitude is not only among the very highest virtues; it is synonymous with the deepest, most profound elements of scriptural holiness.  Gratitude is diametrically opposed to pride.
We should spend the rest of our lives saying "thank you."  That is what real life is, an expression of gratitude to God.  Paul said: "I consider myself to be in debt, both to the Greek and to the non-Greek.  I am indebted to the whole world.  I am in debt to GOD!" Rom. 1:14.
Our author states:  "When I consider my own life, I must ask, 'who am I to preach the unsearchable riches of Christ?'  These are the same feet that hurried to do sin.  These hands were covered with blood.  Single-handedly I very nearly destroyed my family and myself.  Yet God scooped me up out of the gutter of the universe, hosed me down and filled me with the Holy Spirit.  He gave me back my soul and my sanity.  He gave me another chance with my family and allowed me the privilege to preach the Word of His kingdom.  Amazing! Yes.  Yes, the rest of my life IS a 'thank you.' "
The reason we resist the life of unending gratitude is fear that "thank you" implies responsibility.  We want to be free from the responsibility to "pay some of it back."  It is a great tragedy that many affluent think that somehow or other they deserve it all.
A sin of the Rich:
Ingratitude is, in general, not a sin of the poor, but of the rich, and we are rich!  Take a look...A kid who has never had anything and has no hope of having anything, who wakes up cold every morning of his life in a tar paper shack, is likely to be grateful for the apple he gets at Christmas.  How totally rich are we in comparison!!!???  Our author was staying in Ghana with missionaries for Christmas in 1980 when there was nothing there.  Borders were closed, store shelves were empty and the people were hungry.  Rutland wanted to give the pastor's son a gift but he had nothing to give.  He washed a used T-shirt and wrapped a $10 bill inside.  Rutland says:  "At supper, I handed the boy his one modest gift, and if I live to be one hundred, I will never forget that college student weeping with gratitude over a used T-shirt and a ten-dollar bill." 
Personal note:  It has been a life-changing journey during this time of fasting to read through the book "Always Enough" by Rolland and Heidi Baker. They minister to the poorest children on earth in Mozambique.  Here is an excerpt from their journal March 2001:
"They hadn't come for food (even though they were starving).  We were only able to bring two 45-kilogram bags of beans in our Cessna.  The shops were bare, as the few supply roads were under water.  Thousands had lost everything in the flood and hadn't eaten in days or weeks.  Many couldn't find the rest of their families.  But everyone here understood one thing:  They needed Jesus!   Everyone responded for prayer; everyone wanted Him, His forgiveness, His life, His salvation.  No one had any answers apart from Him.  We prayed with them into the night.  Jesus completely healed a lady who had gone totally blind and deaf--her husband had left her because she was no good anymore.  She and her family were so thrilled they didn't know what to do.  That testimony went out, and for the next 3 days people kept coming to Marromeu to find Jesus." 
Perspective:  Shouldn't we live in perpetual gratefulness for Jesus' salvation???!!!!
With a Grateful Heart,

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Devotional for Thurs. Jan. 13, 2010....Pre-Superbowl Party Fri. Feb. 4th

I have received prayer requests from so many of you....and we are praying everyday for you and believing for miracles!  Some of the requests are for financial breakthroughs...some are for healing of relationships....some are for physical healings....some are for favor in the courts and on jobs.  The list goes on and on, and God's mercy and grace goes on and on even forever!!!!  YES.  Continue emailing us with your needs and we will trust God with you.  We will rejoice together at our Feb. 4th party for breakthroughs!  Make your plans to attend.
********Singles Pre-Superbowl Party   Friday Feb. 4th 7:30-10pm  at 10225 Bardstown Bluff Rd..40291 WEAR YOUR SUPERBOWL    TEAM COLORS.......games, food, fellowship, prayer.....***********
read pages 130-138 Character Matters  by Mark Rutland
Admiration and Worthship:
to assign worth properly is worthship.   Character is weakened when worship is forsaken.  As individuals and societies assign worth, order priorities and choose values, character is formed.  Admiration of particular individuals is one aspect of reverence.  It is not wrong to admire CERTAIN QUALITIES, ABILITIES or ACHIEVEMENTS of individuals.  However, Prov. 17:15 says,
"He that justifieth the wicked, and he that condemneth the just, even they both are abomination to the Lord."
To idolize immoral actors, drug-addicted rock stars and characterless ball players is to revere the unrighteous.  We should show  respect and admiration for their ACHIEVEMENTS, but never forget that character remains infinitely more important.  We must see beyond popularity, past screaming crowds, more than mere wealth.  REMEMBER PROV. 17:15
Reverence, Rebellion and Witchcraft:
Leviticus 19:26-32 gives insights into levels of reverence. (read)
1. Reverence life and the body.
2. Reverence relationships and sex.
3. Reverence the things of God.
4. Reverence age..
Most of the passages from Lev. 19 exhort us with the words "I am the Lord."  He says that because He is reminding us Who made it!!!             
The society that despises its elderly hates both its past and its future.
There is a connection between common irreverence, disrespect and witchcraft, which is rebellion against God.  The New Age philosophy is not new.  It is simply ancient witchcraft born of rebellious irreverence.  The New Age movement is simply an attempt to bypass the sovereign will and omniscience of God.  Refusal to submit is rebellion, and rebellion is witchcraft!
Humility and gratitude are the enabling catalysts of a true spirit of reverence.  In right relation to Him, we find humility.
Respect for high office must also be taught.  Teachers are to be respected, as are elders, presidents, police, mayors and aldermen.  RESPECT FOR THE OFFICE, even if I disagree with the man or woman, assigns worth to office, which transcends personality.
Reverence for Sex:
Reverence for Sex is a deeply confused issue.  The reason pornography is wrong is because it makes sex too unimportant.  Pornography does not reverence sex.  The Bible does.  Sex is important because it was made by God.  Proverbs 30:19 mentions sex as equally wonderful, beautiful, important, and holy as an eagle in the sky.
Reverence and Life:
We must reverence life itself.  The reason abortion is wrong is because human life is the creation of God.  Life must be valued over convenience, over finances, over reputation and over relationships. read Psl. 89:7-11  In these verses we see that in reverencing God, creation, the whole natural order, the very cosmos is seen in its proper perspective.  The world now makes sense because it is made by God.  Birth and Death have meaning.  Everything is restored to order.  For the reverent, there is discipline, creativity and divine order in the universe.  Ultimately insanity awaits when character loses reverence. If society assigns ultimate worth to anything except God Himself, reverence turns to madness and madness to despair.  If I reverence that which will disappear, I make myself temporary and not eternal.
Words from the old hymn:  "when all around my soul gives way, He then is all my Hope and Stay."
Lets be people of Reverence,

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

January 6, 2011 Devotional...Reverence:Character and the Sacred

Due to the 21 days of prayer and fasting, we will postpone our first Thursday of the month gathering at McAlisters until the first Thursday of February.
  We are also planning a HUGE PRE-SUPERBOWL PARTY at our home on the Friday evening prior to the Superbowl.  Make your plans to attend.  It was a BLAST last year!!!!!
 Reverence:  Character and the Sacred
read pages 123-130  Character Matters by Mark Rutland
Discuss Truett Cathy's decision to close his Chick-fil-a restaurants on Sundays because of REVERENCE.
Any man's true character is known not so much by what he learns or earns or owns, but by what he reverences.  If virtue is reverenced, virtue increases.  If virtueless success or characterless talent is admired above all, character erodes.  A dangerous step toward collapse of society is taken when blatant irreverence is touted as a virtue.  Think about the athletic or Hollywood "stars" we admire.  Modern American humor is frighteningly irreverent. What is sacred to God must not be funny to me.
In an interview, a certain TV performer on a popular comedy show explained that their success came from their determination that absolutely nothing was sacred.
A massive advertising campaign was used to promote a recent motion picutre and it was proclaimed as being "wildly irreverent, the 'must-see' picture of the summer."  Has sin become a virtue, and virtue become a sin?
Reverence and Respect
As Rutland lectured in African classrooms, he discovered that his students stood beside their desks when their teachers entered the room.  Is this a picture of America?  Reverence/respect of authority?
We need an appreciation for true beauty/art/historic greatness.  There is a danger in the loss of humility necessary to see that a thing is simply wonderful, that it is worthy of my taking notice.  Reverence is directly related to humility.
Reverence and Awe
Our society has cultivated a deliberate boredom, a jaded resistance to being amazed, to wonder at anything.  There is something arrogant about a person who refuses to be impressed with anything.  We must teach the young a sense of wonder. (The Grand Canyon/great artwork/scenes of beauty, etc...)
REVERENCE is a verb, meaning to bow before.  In the Old Testament the word is used to show repect, to accord some exalted or sacred status.  Reverencing things outside myself helps me to take my eyes off my own importance.  It cuts away at my natural tendency to make myself the center of all thing.  It is crucial to emotional well-being.
Our author states:  "A contributing factor to the increasing madness of Western culture is the decline of reverence.  The loss of character in the West, particularly the loss of reverence , is a subtle madness.  Man at the center of his own life, with all his neuroses and fears, unable to get his eyes off himself, is destined for emotional and spiritual collapse.  Alone, man cannot stand the weight of himself."......what do you think?
Praying for you,