Wednesday, December 10, 2008

This Sunday and next Friday

A REMINDER for all of you:

This Sunday afternoon Dec. 14 – Meet in the lobby at Billtown and we will organize our group to walk in together for the Parade of Ministries (with our AVAILABLE signs…come on…enjoy the laugh!)…..We will stay for the kids’ musical then go out for a bite to eat together. We will talk about the Christmas party over dinner.

Next Friday night Dec. 19 - 8:00-midnight - Heaven’s Estates – 7614 Heaven’s Estates
Jeremy’s number 445-5175 Becky’s number 904-955-5122
Directions: exit Gene Snyder on Bardstown Rd. and go toward town less than one mile Turn right at the light at Seatonville Road (Christian church at the corner). Go a couple of Miles on Seatonville Road and pass over the Gene Snyder. Heaven’s Estates will be the second subdivision on the right. Turn right into Heaven’s Estates and it’s the 3rd house on the right. Park along the street if you don’t want to get blocked in.

Bring $5.00 to cover the cost of the meat and a covered dish. Email what you want to bring asap.


This can be the Best Season of All if you keep in mind its purpose! Seek Christ.

Your friend,

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Bait of Satan thoughts....and Sunday Dec. 14 fellowship

I’d like for all of the singles to meet in the foyer of Billtown campus at 4:45pm on Sunday Dec. 14 and we will all walk in together as the SINGLES MINISTRY TEAM. We are going to make it really funny by carrying signs with our phone numbers on it…available for fellowship!!!!! (might as well have some fun with it) It is our church-wide christmas celebration with all ministries being introduced. Let’s all get together afterwards and go out for a light dinner, maybe at McAlisters. JOIN US FOR SOME FUN AND FELLOWSHIP THAT NIGHT.

Who Will Avenge ME?

Vengeance is Mine, I will repay, says the Lord. Romans 12:19

Read pages 38-43 Bait of Satan
Page 196-197 devotion

Abishai was one of David’s friends. He tried to convince David that he had many good reasons to kill Saul while he had the chance. He felt that God had given him this opportunity. He said: “God has delivered your enemy into your hand this day. Now therefore, please, let me strike him at once with the spear right to the earth; and I will not have to strike him a second time!”
However, David’s response to Abishai in I Samuel 26:9-11 was filled with God’s grace.

Consider this:
John Bevere says: “Churches split, families divide, marriages shatter, and love dies, crushed by an onslaught of words launched in hurt and frustration. Friends, family and leaders offend us using words sharpened by bitterness and anger that aim a deadly blow.EVEN THOUGH THE INFORMATION MAY BE FACTUAL AND ACCURATE, OFTEN OUR MOTIVES ARE IMPURE. ANY SOWING OF DISCORD OR SEPARATION AMONG BRETHREN IS AN ABOMINATION TO GOD (Prov. 6:16-19).

Ask God to teach you to humble yourself before those who offend you and to ask for forgiveness when you have been the offender.

I am praying that God will show us how to live a life free from the burden and consequences of holding onto offenses. During the upcoming season of prayer and fasting in January, let us really agree in prayer about this.

Your friend in Christ,

No Source class Dec. 11, Dec. 18, Dec. 25, or Jan. 1.

Remember to join us:
Sunday Dec. 14 4:45pm Billtown Ministry parade and dinner together
Friday Dec. 19 8:00pm – midnight - Annual Christmas Party

Christmas Party and Source Update

The location of our party on Friday Dec. 19 at 8:00pm is:

7614 Heaven's Estates

From Bardstown Road, take Seatonville Road south, cross over the Gene Snyder, look for Heaven's Estates on the right, turn right and it is the 3rd drive on the right. This is the home of Jeremy Cassady. We will send contact numbers soon. Just bring yourself, $5.00, one dish (dessert, vegetable, casserole, 2 liters, etc.), and an anticipation of a great time with friends.

Rsvp to me asap.

We will meet for our Source group tomorrow night Dec. 4 at 6:30 at Minors Lane. We will take a break after that until January 8 due to the holidays.

Thoughts on "Who will Avenge me?" will be sent today. WE will discuss this section tomorrow night.

Looking forward to seeing you soon,

Thursday, November 20, 2008

"Bait of Satan".... thoughts to consider this week


Read pages 33-38 and pages 193-195 "Bait of Satan" by John Bevere

Read I Samuel 16-31.

Malachi 4:6 "And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children,
and the hearts of the children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the
earth with a curse."

John Bevere, in this section of his book, is referring to any leader God
puts over us when he speaks of "fathers" (not just biological fathers).
These are the people we trust to love, train, nurture, and care for us.

Think of the "fathers" in the past from whom you have experienced rejection:
Biological father, church staff, boss, close friend, stepfather, elder,
teacher, pastor, deacon, or leader.

Saul's rejection of David is one biblical example of a father's rejection.
(re-read the story)

As you read the story, write down the ways David could have been tempted to
take up an offense against Saul:




Complete these sentences:

David treated Saul_________________________.

Instead of revenge, David _________________________.

Think about this: Saul enjoyed the success of David until he saw David's
success as a threat to him. See what insecurity does to your call as a

Read I Samuel 24:11 and complete these sentences:

When someone attacks me, God wants me to _______________________________.

When someone rejects me, God wants me to

Consider: If your father figure or leader is doing something sinful and
wrong, instead of being offended, pray for that person. God will correct
him----that's His job, not yours. Remember, you are just called to serve
with a pure heart. Refuse to clutter up your own heart with the sin of
offense due to other people's insecurities.

Prayer: God, Help us to release to You our feelings of offense. We do not
want a cluttered heart that is not sensitive to your touch. We choose this
day to follow Your example in scripture as You lived the life of a servant
of God. We will choose to pray for those who have rejected us and pray for
your mercy to cover their lives. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Let's grow in God together,



Sunday evening Dec. 14 -----Be at Billtown campus around 4:45. This is our
big Church-wide Christmas celebration and we will walk in together as the
Singles Ministry. (Let's plan some really funny signs to carry!) Then,
let's go out for coffee or dinner afterwards. You choose the place! It'll
be a great time.

Update on Events

It was great to have so many of you join us for bowling and fellowship thispast Friday night. Here's who attended: Barb O, Gina, Rashanda, Pat S., Tom H., Earl, DeAnne, Jennifer, Eddie,Vance, Larry R., Christine, Phillip, Lonnie, Sharon, Becky, Barb C., Evelyn,John, Tom F., Sean, David and Josh. Some of the scores were around 140..andsome hovered around 55. No matter the score, we certainly had some laughs,good conversation, and exercise.

Mark your calendar for our Annual Singles Christmas Party from 8:00 -midnight on Friday December 19 at the home of Jeremy Cassidy. We will giveyou specific directions soon. We will only ask everyone that can to bring$5.00 each to cover the meats and decorations PLUS a covered dish(dessert, bread, casserole, salad, or vegetable). We can sign up throughemail. This is always a well-attended, super fun event. Join us.

"The Bait of Satan" devotional will be emailed to you in less than an hour.If you can't attend the Source meeting at Minors Lane tonight at 6:30, thenread over the notes and study the scriptures this week. It will change yourlife! Remember to count your blessings this week especially.. Remembering the goodness of the Lord,Becky


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Bowling This Friday

Meet us at: KING PIN 9525 Taylorsville Road.

This Friday November 14

Around 8:00pm (we will bowl for a couple of hours then go for coffeesomewhere)

719-5464 (King Pin) 904-955-5122 (Becky)

Cost: $4.35/person/game $3.75 shoe rental

Let me know if you are coming and I will reserve some lanes that are notbeing used for leagues.

Come out and have a great time! Invite a friend. Becky

(Join us Thursday night at 6:30 minors Lane for "Bait of Satan" source groupdiscussion. Topic this week: "When Rejected by a Father".

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Thoughts from "The Bait of Satan" for Oct. 29

Thank you to all who have taken time to respond to last week's comments. We
also had a large group at our Source meeting this past Thursday. We will
meet again tomorrow night (Oct. 30) at 6:30 at Minor Lane in the Fellowship
Hall. NO SOURCE MEETING NEXT THURSDAY NOV. 6 due to Team Impact at Billtown
Campus at 6:30 that evening.

Please read pages 23-26 and Day 5 Devotions(p. 188-189) How could This
happen to Me?

Genesis 50:19-20 Joseph said to them."But as for you, you meant evil
against me; but God meant it for good."

The author, John Bevere, categorizes offended people in two groups: those
who have been genuinely mistreated, and those who think they have been
mistreated but actually were not. Our question to consider this week is:
Do you have the right to be offended when you have been genuinely

Please read Genesis 37 - 48 and evaluate Joseph's words and actions.
How did Joseph respond to each circumstance?
Did he become offended or did he forgive? Did he blame others for his
circumstances or did he trust God? Did he seek revenge or did he seek to be

How did Jesus respond to his abusers?

Did Joseph and Jesus have the right to be offended?

KEY: Satan hopes we will take his bait of offense so that he will have a
foothold into our lives.

If we don't take the bait, then Satan cannot touch us!

Ask God for the wisdom of Joseph to avoid taking offense and to trust Him
instead of blaming others or circumstances for difficulties in life.

We will consider next week the question: Is God really in Control?

Stay tuned here!

Praying for you,

******don't' forget Friday November 14 8:00pm - 11:00pm Singles Bowling Night. Mark your calendar and join us!

Check out the pictures of our last biking activity at <>
Thanks. Tom and Doris.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

This week's thoughts from "The Bait of Satan"

I trust that you have picked up your copy of “The Bait of Satan” by John Bevere by now. They are carrying it in our EWPC Bookstores now, so get yours before they are all gone.

Study pages 16-21; Day 4 Walls of Protection p. 185-187

Walls of Protection:
Consider the parallels between Old Testament city walls and walls around our hearts.
Proverbs 18:19 A Brother offended is harder to win than a strong city, and contentions are like the bars of a castle.
We open our lives only to those we believe are on our side. These walls of protection can become a prison to us.
If we don’t risk being hurt, we cannot give unconditional love.
Unconditional love gives others the RIGHT to hurt us. Love does not seek its own.
Read 2 Corinthians 10:4-5…the stronghold of offense: “For the weapons of our warfare….”
We find it impossible to believe God when we continue filtering everything through past hurts, rejections, and experiences.
The love of God has become cold in our lives. We produce no real spiritual fruit.
Read the section on False Prophets in the last days 2Tim. 3:1-5; 4:3-4 (“…for men will be unforgiving…having a form of godliness but denying its power….” ) When we hold on to offense, we are denying that God can change us from being unforgiving to forgiving.
We are an information generation, but this can lead to a religious spirit if we refuse to repent of the sin of offense. It hides the truth and we spew out bitter waters.
Read Matt. 24:10 regarding Betrayal. Consider the progression of Offense, Betrayal, Hatred (I John 3:15)
Let’s live by these Laws of Love found in the following passages:
I Cor. 6:7, Matt. 5:44, Phil. 2:3

The author emphasizes that the sin of offense is serious. If it is not dealt with, offense will eventually lead to death. Let’s resist the temptation to build walls of offense so that God can bring great victory in our lives. These are truly the Last Days. Let’s ask God to clean out anything in our lives that keeps us focused inward instead of Kingdomward.

Reaching together for the prize of the High Calling in Christ Jesus,

Pics from the Bike Trip

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Book Study Notes

REMEMBER the SINGLES SOURCE class each week at Minors Lane 6:30-7:30pm…We are studying “the Bait of Satan”.

Thought for this week from “The Bait Of Satan”:
Gal. 6:8-9 “For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life. And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.”

Read pages 13-16 “Bait of Satan” - assignment.

Rate your opinion on a scale from “Usually True” to “Seldom true” for these statements:

  1. I offend easily.
  2. Friends seem to offend easily.
  3. People at work get offended easily.
  4. Relatives get easily offended.
  5. I expect much of others.
  6. I am easily disappointed
  7. I love conditionally.
  8. I bless to be blessed.

In the last days many will be easily offended. If we walk in a selfish love—expecting others to meet our expectations for love—then we will be easily offended when they don’t respond as we desire. The more I expect, the greater the potential offense. We do not need to position ourselves for potential offenses in our lives. Ask God to replace your expectations of others with unconditional love for them.

Remember: Whenever you give love, you are sowing to the Spirit and will eventually reap a harvest of love in due season.

If you have not purchased the recommended book "the Bait of Satan" by John Bevere, they are carrying it in the Minors Lane and Billtown bookstores for around $13.00. Please get your copy this Sunday because they only ordered 10 copies for each location. They will order more, of course, if they need to. We certainly appreciate Kenny and Doe for taking care of us in this way.

I'll send the next devotional out Sunday. Look for it. We will meet for Thursday night Source group at 6:30pm this week...oct. 23.

Remember to join us for Bowling on Nov. 14 and our Christmas Party on Dec. 19.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Next Events and Great Bike Trip

We were certainly blessed with an absolutely beautiful day to ride our bikes this past Saturday. The dinner at Mark’s Feed Store was delicious and the fellowship was wonderful! Some of us extended the evening by going to a movie later on. “Fireproof” is a must-see for all Christians. It is a perfect movie to invite your unsaved friends to see with you. Thank God for this avenue to touch the world with the truth of God’s Word.

Here’s who came Last Saturday to one or more of our activities of the day:
Wanda, Natalie, Barb O., Bekah, Geneva, Linda, Rachel, Robin, Becky, Doris, Brenda, Rocky, Michelle, Roger, Tom F., Earl, Jeremy, Vance, Gregg, Tom H., Kathy, Jonah, Philip, David
…….thanks for joining us!


Friday night Nov. 14 – Bowling Night at King Pin on Taylorsville Road – tentative time: 8:00-11:00pm

Friday night Dec. 19 – Singles Christmas Party at Jeremy Cassidy’s home off of Seatonville Road – 7:30-11:30pm
***Bring $5.00each for meat and also bring a covered dish (casserole, dessert, vegetable, or salad)

We will asking for help in decorating for this event.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Directions to Oct 4th Bike Ride

Meet up at the gazeebo overlooking Baringer Hill in Cherokee Park at 3:00pm Oct 4th. The ride will be about 10 miles round trip. It will take us through the Cherokee Park Loop and out to the Beargrass Trail to take us down the River Front and we'll make a return trip back. Very scenic, safe, and fun. We'll eat Mark's Feed Store at 1514 Bardstown Rd near the intersection of Bardstown and Eastern Parkway in the 2nd floor dining area immediately after around 6pm. Here are the meet up point maps.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Group Devotional and Oct 4th Bike Ride

We want to thank everyone who came out on an overcast evening to ride bikes with us and have dinner last Friday evening. We enjoyed a rain-free ride and a fun dinner with 22 of you. We all voted to do it again soon…before the temperatures get too cool. SO, we are meeting at CHEROKEE PARK at 3:00 SATURDAY OCTOBER 4 to ride bikes as far as we want, then have dinner at a designated restaurant on Frankfort Avenue around 5:00. We will be in touch with the details. Mark it on your calendars and don’t let anything stand in your way of joining us that day.

I feel impressed by the Holy Spirit to take you on a journey that I went on several years ago as I studied “The Bait of Satan” by John Bevere. This book revolutionized our choir and our church in Florida as we learned to live free from the deadly trap of OFFENSE. We will be going through this study in our Singles Source Group on Thursday nights at 6:30 in the Fellowship Hall at Minors Lane. Please come if you can. If not, follow with me as I email a focus thought and pages assigned to read each week beginning the last week of this month. You may email me back your thoughts and how your journey is going. Tom will also post these weekly updates on our website.

You may buy the book online or at Family Bookstores. The 10th anniversary Edition is the best because it includes a devotional supplement that is helpful.



Take care and be in touch,

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


6:30pm meet at a designated place near Joe’s Crab Shack to ride bikes
8:30pm meet at Joe’s Crab Shack for Dinner and Fellowship.

RSVP by Friday August 29th. If you do not have a bike, we could see who has an extra one for you to borrow.

Let’s plan some exciting activities for the upcoming fall season. We want to be an encouragement to each other as we serve Christ together. Don’t miss one opportunity to build relationships.

Looking forward to hearing back from you soon,
964-3304 ext. 1129 or email:

Here is where to meet:

Meet between the Tumbleweed and Water Park on River Road. This is west of Joes Crab Shack, about a half mile away on the other side of the I65 Bridge. There are several parking lots marked in Pink here and you can also park on the road. Meet on this map near the "X."

Friday, July 11, 2008

Singles Shin Dig Update

We are looking forward to a great time together next Saturday July 19. We hope as many of you that can will come and join us. We need you to rsvp by Thursday July 17 to my email or call us so we will know how much food to prepare.


Time: 4:00pm – 6:30pm

Location: Charlie Vettiner Park 5550 Charlie Vettiner Park Rd. (turn on Mary Dell Lane off of Billtown Road) There is a sign that indicates where the park is.

Activities: volleyball (hopefully CORNHOLE – if someone will bring it), water balloons, water guns, FOOD

What to bring: email Barb at or call her at 648-6161 to find out what food you can bring
(choose: chips, drinks, salads, desserts, condiments)
Change of clothes for the movie and water gun.

RSVP by Thursday July 17

Extra event: $5.00 movie at Village 8 on Dutchman’s Lane 6:30-8:30pm following volleyball and cook-out

****I still need someone to volunteer to be in charge of the GRILLING and someone to be in charge of the VOLLEYBALL! Email or call me asap if you are willing to do this.

This should be lots of fun. Don’t miss out. Let me know if you have any questions.

Your friend,
964-3304 ext 1129

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Next Big Event - Singles Summer Picnic Shin Dig

Hey everyone!

Hope you are having a wonderful and blessed summer! We had an outstandingly, hilarious time this past Saturday kayaking together. You’d have to have been there to understand. We were joined by several new singles…Larry, Steve, Doris, and Lynne. The weather report looked bleak, but we didn’t have one drop of rain the whole 12 mile trip. We considered that to be a huge blessing on us that day. You may see some pictures on the website. Thanks to Tom for organizing this event…you were a real trooper.


Saturday July 19

4:00 – 6:30 Charlie Vettiner Park 5550Charlie Vettiner Park Rd. (turn on Mary Dell Lane off of Billtown Road)
Volleyball, water guns, cookout
6:30-8:30 Village 8 movie Dutchman’s Lane ($5.00)

Don’t miss this time for Fun and Fellowship…it’s not far to drive and CHEAP.
RSVP to Becky 964-3304 ext. 1129 by July 17 or email back.

****Remember our Singles Source group 6:30-7:20pm each Thursday in the choir room at Minors Lane*****


Here's us protesting for more rights for singles in front of the Governor's Mansion in Frankfort. (Just kidding.. it is the Governor's Mansion though)

We had a great time. The Lord kept the rain away but we still managed to get wet though... :P

Friday, June 20, 2008

Canoe Trip Update

Don't forget to let us know if your going on kayak/canoe trip by Monday June 23rd. Its going be great. Water level is good. Email Becky at

Friday, June 13, 2008

This Friday!!!

Hey everyone!

I’ve heard from many of you wanting to join us this Friday and also on the 28th. Both activities will provide a great opportunity for fellowship and encouragement.

I’ve decided on King Pin Lanes at 9525 Taylorsville Rd. for our bowling location. Their number is 719-5464. They are 1 mile east of Hurstbourne Pkwy. They are not very busy on Friday evenings and their facility is one of the nicest in town. We can share the expense of renting lanes by the hour or bowl at a per person fee of $4.85 per game. Shoes are $3.75 We should arrive there around 8:30 – 8:45 if we leave Roger’s house around 8:20 or so.

I’ll look forward to seeing you for prayer at 7:00 or at the Bowling Lanes around 8:30.

Roger’s address again is 10225 Bardstown Bluff Road.

Take care and be blessed!

Monday, June 9, 2008

June Events

I hope to see many of you next Friday night, June 13 at Roger Hoagland’s home for our prayer group. His address is 10225 Bardstown Bluff Rd. 40291 (about 3 miles south of the Gene Snyder off of Bardstown Road). Sean’s cell phone is 523-2277 and mine is 904-955-5122. Easiest directions: From the Gene Snyder, Go Bardstown Road south about 3 miles and look for the curve left in the road and the turning lane for Bardstown Bluff Road. There will be a little white church up on the left as you turn. Roger’s house is the 3rd driveway after the church on the left. Park your car on the right shoulder of the road and walk down the driveway.

We will meet together there until about 8:15, then we will head over to a bowling alley that we will have reservations for.

We enjoyed having many new people at our Source group last night at Minors Lane. Come join us each Thursday at 6:30pm as we just relax together, have good conversation, share the scriptures, give testimonies, and pray for each other.

REMEMBER to let us know if you are planning on going with us on our Canoe trip on Sat. June. 28. (See last email for details).

Have a wonderful weekend…hope to see you at church this Sunday.


Wednesday, June 4, 2008

2008 Evangel Singles Canoe/Kayak Trip

Announcing the Evangel Singles Canoe/Kayak trip to the wild and wooly Elkhorn Creek near Frankfort, KY.

For those who have been in the past, you know the routine. For those that haven’t… we hook up on Saturday morning around 9:30am, we drive to Canoe KY in Frankfort. Hit the river around 11am, lunch on the river, and paddle till late afternoon… basically about 4-5 hours on the water. We then break to change clothes and hit a great restaurant on the way back. We’re thinking possibly the Old Stone Inn in Simpsonville or Claudia Sanders on the way back.

It’s a great day of fun, sun, friends, food, and of course… water All set in the absolutely beautiful and scenic Bluegrass Region of Frankfort Kentucky. Oh and it’s really safe. Not much Whitewater here. Mostly class 1 or 2 rapids which one can easily wade through. You can rent either a canoe or Kayak. I recommend Kayaks in they are much easier to deal with and more fun. Canoes fit two people, kayaks one. You’re invited and feel free to invite friends.

When: Saturday June 28th 9:30am
Where to meet: Evangel World Conference Center, Billtown Road.
Destination: Canoe Kentucky in Frankfort KY
Cost: $35 for kayak. $55 for canoe (fits 2)

What to bring: Wear clothes to get wet in, old tennis shoes, aqua shoes, or sandles. Drinks, lunch in small cooler (which we’ll leave in our cars at the outfitter), change of clothes for dinner on the way home (totally casual).

To join in the fun, reply to this email to confirm by June 21st so we can make the reservations.

Thursday, May 15, 2008


I hope everyone is planning on joining us this Saturday at Kart Kountry off Hwy. 44 in Shepherdsville around 1:00. Some of us are carpooling from Evangel Christian School, leaving there at 12:30.

Kart Kountry offers miniature golf, a game room, water park, go karts, and more. Tickets are $4.50/each or 5 for $20.00. We will head to the Cracker Barrel off of the Brooks exit to have dinner together around 4:00. Let’s believe for good weather and a fun time together.

June events:
Friday June 15 7:00pm at Roger Hoagland’s home 10225 Bardstown Bluff Road for a time of prayer/praise. (We may plan another activity following prayer.)

TBA – Kayaking trip or Rough River outing.

See you Saturday….

Blessings to each of you,

Kart Kountry phone: 543-9588
Becky Goldsmith: 904-955-5122
Sean Shuffitt: 523-2277



Monday, April 28, 2008

Keep Saturday afternoon May 17 open for fun!

Some of us have been working on the plans for our May Singles activity. We agreed that it would be the perfect weather and time of year for an afternoon at Kart Kountry in Shepherdsville. After discussing this at our last event and with the singles who attend our SOURCE group on Thursdays, we agreed that Saturday afternoon May 17 would be a good time to get together.

Since gas is so expensive, we agreed to have a group meet at the Evangel School parking lot at 12:30 to ride to Shepherdsville together. If others want to meet at Kart Kountry, we will meet you there at 1:00. (Exit 117/Hwy. 44) Kart Kountry offers miniature golf, a water park, game room, go-carting, and other events. When we get there, everyone can decide which activity fits their preference. We can stay there from 1:00 until around 3:30, then meet at the Brooks Cracker Barrel for an early dinner.

Join us for both events on Saturday May 17 or meet us for one, depending on your work schedule and other committments that day.

MORE DETAILS TO FOLLOW. Please RSVP to this email when you know if you will be joining us for this event.

Please let us know if there is any way we can serve you better.

Your friend,
Becky Goldsmith

PS We have been having new people join us each Thurs. at 6:30 for our Source group at Minors Lane. We relax, talk together, encourage one another, pray for needs and share the Word. We meet in the District office if you'd like to join us.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Weekly Bible Study

EACH THURSDAY EVENING FROM 6:30 - 7:30PM..........






See you tomorrow night April 17. Call 964-3304 ext. 1129 or email for more details.

Watch for details on our May Singles event.....Go-Karting and dinner!!!!!

Blessings to you!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Thunder Details

Hey everyone!

Here are our two options for Saturday April 12. We are making this decsion due to the cool temperatures expected for this Saturday. If the cool temp doesn't affect you, then spend the day in the outdoors, enjoying the festivities and fellowship.

Option #1:

The lawn by Tumbleweed and Kid's park anytime from 3:00pm until after the fireworks.
(call Sean Shuffitt 523-2277) Map below.

Option #2:

Meet for dinner at Clifton's Pizza Company 2230 Frankfurt Avenue (about a mile from Tumbleweed gathering) at 6:00pm, then carpool to watch the rest of the air show and fireworks with the rest of the singles who went early for the show.

Call for more info:
Sean Shuffitt 523-2277
Tom Fawbush 396-5448
Becky Goldsmith 904-955-5122

Here is the area where we’ll meet to watch the air show and fireworks Saturday evening. This is next to the Water Park by the new Tumbleweed on the Louisville site. Parking is normally along River Road or on Adam’s street marked below in pink. There is a hill next to the restaurant that allows for a good view of the river and air show as shown below. As Becky mentioned, some will be meeting here at 3pm to watch the air show and everyone else will probably meet here that evening after dinner at Clifton’s Pizza.


Some folks who wanted to come later can meet up at Clifton Pizza Company at 6pm to eat dinner and then go down to see the fireworks later that evening. Here is their website and map. It’s located on Frankfort Avenue across from Genny’s Diner.


Thursday, March 20, 2008


Hey everyone!

I’ve been receiving quite a few calls from people wanting to come join us this Saturday at Roger’s home and the movies. Some of them have never been to one of our events before.

Details to remember:

Prayer meeting: 6:00pm-7:30pm at Roger Hoagland’s home 10225 Bardstown Bluff Road
****remember to bring canned goods and an offering to support the Lord’s Kitchen. Vance will be there to receive it all and take it to the Lord’s Kitchen.

7:30- whenever….movie at the theater and coffee.

Looking forward to seeing you Saturday,

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Rockin Volleyball Pics

Here are some pics of our volleyball kareoke party last month. Thanks for everyone coming out!

Just before the over hand spike serve... just get of the way folks.

No barb, I do not have any polka tunes. Becky, I might have a Gloria Gaither song.

Game point
Serenade de trio

Pizza, music, and friends for eva!!!

I thought this was volleyball...

Whitney and Ole Blue Eyes

Sonny and Cher

Rock the house... mr disc jockey with all your hip hop rock and stuff... and then bring me a piece of pizza. :P

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Next Singles Event

Hey Friends!

We want everyone to come!!!!!

Easter weekend:
Saturday March 22 A Time of Prayer 6:00 pm Roger Hoagland’s home 10225 Bardstown Bluff Rd. 40291
(approx. 3.5 miles south of Gene Snyder off of Bardstown Road)

Movie Night 7:30pm ( We will decide on a movie to attend together, then grab some food at a nearby
restaurant afterwards.)

For our Resurrection Weekend Service Project, we’ve chosen to help the Lord’s Kitchen with the Alan Shaw Feinstein $1 Million Matching Grant Challenge. Bring an offering and as many canned goods as possible to the March 22 Prayer meeting/Movie Night. We will turn the money and food over to Vance Shelton (one of our faithful singles). Let’s really make a difference in people’s lives as we serve in this ministry opportunity. (donations will be accepted from March 1 – April 30)

At this next meeting, we will set dates for dinner at Buca Di Beppo’s and Bowling.
We’d like to go canoeing, white water rafting, and go-carting in the Spring and summer months.

Thought for the day: Remember….the plans that God has for each of us is far higher and more fulfilling than any plan we may have for ourselves. (Read Jer. 29:11)

Seeking God’s Highest Together,

Friday, February 22, 2008


We are still on for the Singles activity in the Evangel School gym at 6:30 tonight. Bring a 2 liter and a few dollars if you can for pizza.

Looking forward to seeing you there,

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Hey everyone!

Our big Singles event is THIS FRIDAY NIGHT February 22 at Evangel Christian School gym 5400 Minors Lane. Join us anytime from 6:30pm on. We will have a live DJ, Kareoke contest, Volleyball games, food and fun. Just bring yourself (and your friends are welcomed too), your tennis shoes, your best singing voice, and $5.00 or so for pizza. It would be appreciated if you can bring a 2 liter.

Come on out for some fun and fellowship.

Your friend,

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Friday Feb. 22 – 6:30pm Evangel School Gym….SINGLES Volleyball Tournament and Kareoke contest…and FOOD!!!!!

Friday/Saturday March 7 – 8 Singles Conference at Lakeside Worship Center, Elizabethtown KY

Saturday March 22 – 6:00pm home prayer meeting (Roger’s home)….7:30pm Movie Night

****TBA Spring Events….GO KART Night….Friday DowntownTrolley Hop….Group Dinner at Buca Di Beppo Restaurant/Movie Night….etc….

Each Thursday 6:30pm Minors Lane fellowship Hall….Source Group for all Singles.

I thank God for each one of you and the new friendships I have made since I moved here. My prayer is that we can serve God and each other as we strive to please Him in all ways.

Let me know if there is anything I can do to serve you better as your Singles Pastor. You are in my prayers daily.

Your friend,

PS If any of you attend the morning services at Billtown Road campus and you would like to be involved in Music Ministry there, please contact me asap.

January Hello

I hope you are enjoying this COOL day in January. It is wonderful to have God’s love and care to warm us.

I apologize for not contacting you sooner. Our Evangel Email accounts have been down for 10 days, so I was unable to contact anyone during that time. We had a wonderful prayer meeting at Roger’s home on the 11th. Please pray over the following needs mentioned by those of you in attendance that evening:

Healing of diabetes
Christian friendships
Fresh anointing
Estate settlement
Household salvation
Emotional healing
God’s will in children’s lives
Missions trip
Better job
Restoration of family relationships
***Anna Smith’s brother, Robin, passed away on Jan. 23. Pray for Anna and her family.

After the last home prayer meeting, I sensed that God would be pleased if we continue these opportunities for prayer together. Our next prayer event will be on Saturday March 22 at 6:00 pm at Roger Hoagland’s home. We will make plans to all go to a movie together afterwards. (This is Easter weekend.)

Also, We have all been invited to a wonderful Singles conference in Elizabethtown Fri/Sat. March 7 – 8. A couple of us have been asked to be guest speakers and we would like as many of you as possible to go. It is close enough for us to drive down Friday evening and again on Saturday (or just attend whichever session is convenient for your schedule.) I will email or mail brochures and registration forms to you as soon as I receive them.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Special Prayer Event...

SPECIAL PRAYER MEETING FOR ALL SINGLES – Friday Jan. 11 6:30pm at Roger Hoagland’s home in Fern Creek (just 5 miles from the Gene Snyder). Please do a Google search for directions. His address is 10225 Bardstown Bluff Road 40291. Bring your Bibles please.

AND…Don’t forget to mark your calendars for our INDOOR VOLLEYBALL event at Evangel Gym (Minors Lane) at 6:30pm Friday Feb. 22.

Hope to see you very soon….and bring a friend to any one of these upcoming events. Determine to start your new year out right…join us for discipleship, prayer, and fellowship.

Your friend,

Start the New Year of right...

Hey everyone!

I’m sure by now you are settling back into a healthy routine after some wonderful holiday events. The Singles Christmas party at Kathy’s home was a highlight for each of us.

I want to encourage you to join us in our season of Prayer and Fasting from Jan. 6 – Jan. 26. Remember to pray that God will direct our Singles Ministry this year. We want to provide fellowship and encouragement to as many singles as possible during this new year. Our first 2 events of the year will help us accomplish a part of that goal. Two new SOURCE groups will be offered especially for Singles this semester at Evangel. They are as follows:
Beginning Wed. Jan. 9 - 6:30 pm weekly at Billtown Road prayer chapel (led by Jonah Rawal)

Beginning Thurs. Jan. 10 – 6:30 pm weekly at Minors Lane choir room (leader TBA)

We will be using a great curriculum from Turning Point. Study material will be available for you.