Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Fwd: Evangel Singles - Christmas Party - This Friday!!!

Note correct address is 200 Club Oak COURT, not drive.  GPS will take you to the same spot however.   

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Evangel Singles Ministry <ewpcsingles@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 7:04 PM
Subject: Evangel Singles - Christmas Party - This Friday!!!

Evangel Singles
Christmas Party

Fri Nov 30th  7:30p – 10:30p

200 Club Oak Drive, Middletown, 20023

·       Games, Food, Fellowship, Music. 

·       Dress: Casual Festive, Appetizers Served

·       Suggested donation of $5 to cover food

Evangel Singles - Christmas Party - This Friday!!!

Evangel Singles
Christmas Party

Fri Nov 30th  7:30p – 10:30p

200 Club Oak Drive, Middletown, 20023

·       Games, Food, Fellowship, Music. 

·       Dress: Casual Festive, Appetizers Served

·       Suggested donation of $5 to cover food

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Evangel Singles - Christmas Party

Evangel Singles
Christmas Party

Fri Nov 30th  7:30p – 10:30p

200 Club Oak Drive, Middletown, 20023

·       Games, Food, Fellowship, Music. 

·       Dress: Casual Festive, Appetizers Served

·       Suggested donation of $5 to cover food

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Next 2 Singles Events !

TOMORROW NIGHT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FRIDAY August 24

Hope to meet with all Christian Single ladies at CHIC NIGHT OF WORSHIP....6900 Billtown Road....7-8:30pm...
                                                                     This Friday AUGUST 24

Hope to meet GUYS and girls at ASPEN CREEK  8000 Bardstown Road for dinner/dessert at 9pm   (After Chic Night)


NEXT THURSDAY AUGUST 30......7pm-8:30pm   (come early to play games, eat, sit and visit)

UL/UK TAILGATE PARTY......bring some food and meet at 5400 Minor Lane (near sanctuary and picnic pavilion)
                                      SINGLES WILL GATHER AROUND MY TEAL GREEN FORD 150 TRUCK to eat, visit and enjoy games.
                                   BRING LOUNGE CHAIRS! MUSIC, GAMES, DEVOTIONAL TIME.

(for more info text Becky:  593-2117  or reply to this email )  

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Next Friday night August 24.....SINGLES !

Friday August 24....



9pm....ALL LADIES AND GENTLEMEN MEET AT ASPEN CREEK RESTAURANT ON BARDSTOWN ROAD ACROSS FROM OUTBACK AND GLENMARY.  We will fellowship here together over dinner, coffee, and/or dessert.  

INVITE A FRIEND / COME AND MEET A FRIEND.....Enjoy a night out with other Christian Singles.


Thursday, July 12, 2012

Re: Evangel Singles Event - This Saturday!

If lost or need info call Bob at 812-595-3003 or becky 502-593-2117. Noon  lunch in tea room at Herbal gardens restaurant near hardy lake. Lake  activities following.

On Thu, Jul 12, 2012 at 11:50 AM, Evangel Singles Ministry <ewpcsingles@gmail.com> wrote:
Come on out to our Singles Event at Hardy Lake in Southern Indiana this Saturday.  Lunch at local restaurant at Noon.  Events at lake all day.  Bonfire a night.  RSVP to this email.  Look for signs on the road to direct you to the lake.  See attached for directions.    See you there!

Evangel Singles Event - This Saturday!

Come on out to our Singles Event at Hardy Lake in Southern Indiana this Saturday.  Lunch at local restaurant at Noon.  Events at lake all day.  Bonfire a night.  RSVP to this email.  Look for signs on the road to direct you to the lake.  See attached for directions.    See you there!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Evangel Singles Bike Ride

Saturday June 16

Annual Singles River Bike Ride/Walk

Meet at Great Lawn 11am sharp with bicycle or walking shoes

1pm  Lunch together at Joe's Crab shack

3:30pm  WJIE Concert at Slugger Field.

^^^^^^^Come to one event or make it all 3 **********

for more info:  rsvp to this email or call 964-3304ext 1129 (before Thursday June 14.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Evangel Singles Bike Ride

Saturday June 16

Annual Singles River Bike Ride/Walk

Meet at Great Lawn 11am sharp with bicycle or walking shoes

1pm  Lunch together at Joe's Crab shack

3:30pm  WJIE Concert at Slugger Field.

^^^^^^^Come to one event or make it all 3 **********

for more info:  rsvp to this email or call 964-3304ext 1129 (before Thursday June 14.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Evangel Singles Picnic


evangel singles

spring picnic

sunday may 27

th 1- 4pm

ewpc – minors lane – picnic pavilion


softball, volleyball, corn toss, music, karaoke,

fellowship & fun!


bring your own picnic lunch


see you there!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

This Saturday April 21....5:30-7:30 Dinner

Please rsvp to this email by Thursday if you plan on joining :
THE GATHERING   (for Christian Single Adults of Louisville area)
Saturday April 21
5:30-7:30pm.....(then carpool to Thunder Over Louisville if you choose to)
2230 Frankfort Avenue  (near the Seminary)
for more info:  964-3304 ext 1129  or respond to this email
Upcoming events:
Sunday May 27.....Annual Singles Memorial Day Picnic  1-5pm   5400 Minor Lane Picnic Pavilion
TBA June Saturday River Trail Bike Ride/walk....Dinner at Joe's Crab Shack
Saturday July 14 .....Boating/Volleyball/Cookout at Bob Malcomb Property in Indiana. (details coming soon)
Thoughts to meditate on:
Joshua 23:11..."So be very careful to love the Lord Your God."
Chris Tiegreen writes:  "Many are familiar with 'love languages'--the idea that each of us has preferred mode of receiving love from others.  Love languages include spending quality time together, physical touch, receiving gifts, acts of service, and words of affirmation.  We understand the affections of others when they are expressed through one of these means.
What we often don't realize is that God has love languages too.  He created our desire for love to be expressed in these ways.  He enjoys words of affirmation (praise), receiving gifts (offerings), acts of service (obedience), quality time (prayer/meditation), and even physical touch.  God receives love in much the same ways we do.  He even tells us how to express love to Him.  Scripture is full of instructions about how to give to Him, speak to Him, and serve Him.  God has made His desires clear.
All of our expressions of love--praise, offerings, obedience, conversations with Him and longings for sensory touches--are meant to be an overflow of our heart.  When we turn God's instructions into nothing but a set of obligations, we undermine their purpose.  They were all given first and foremost as ways to express our love.  That's why the greatest commandment to love Him is above all others;  it was meant to shape everything we do in our lives toward God.  More than anything else, we were designed to adore Him.  And our number one pursuit is to figure out how to love Him well."
Our Prayer:  "Lord, how can I love Your well today?  What Time should I set aside to spend with You?  What service can I do?  What can I say that will touch Your heart?  Help me love You deeply and show it well."
Loving and serving,

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Thunder Over Louisville Dinner....Saturday April 21, 2012

******RSVP TO THIS EMAIL OR 964-3304EXT 1129 BY THURSDAY APRIL 19*************
Other important dates:
Sunday May 27.....Annual Singles Memorial weekend picnic.....Picnic Pavilion 5400 Minor Lane 1pm-5pm
June.....(tba)  River Trail Bike Ride/Dinner
Saturday July 14....."Day at the Lake"   boating, volleyball, games, cookout...at Bob Malcomb's Property (Indiana)

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Thoughts to ponder......AND......Next "Gathering" activity April 21, 2012

Bowling and Mexican Dinner was Super Fun!   We had over 35 singles at our Bowling party and 25 at dinner on March 9!  Make your plans to join us for our next big "Gathering":
Annual "Thunder over Louisville" Dinner/Fellowship
Saturday April 21, 2012
Clifton's Pizza Company   2230 Frankfort Avenue  (Close to Fireworks)
******We reserve the entire second floor of restaurant....great food....reasonable price.....the BEST fellowship!*******
(following dinner, some of us carpool to the Fireworks at the River.....optional activity)
rsvp to this email or call 964-3304ext. 1129
Thoughts taken from Chris Tiegreen devotional:  Experiencing God's Presence
.......Ex. 3:5   "Do not come any closer..."
Why would a God who desires a close relationship with those made in His image tell one of His servants not to come any closer?  Is it because in this introductory meeting between God and Moses at a burning bush, closeness would have been dangerous?  Because a human being next to a holy God is a perilous combination?  Perhaps, but that doesn't explain why God invited this same Moses up to the top of Sinai to experience His intense Presence later--even while warning every other Israelite to stay away or else suffer death.  Nothing happened between the burning bush and Sinai to remove Moses' sin.  The sacrificial system hadn't been instituted yet, Moses expressed no great confession and repentance, God made no declarations of forgiveness.  In one event, Moses couldn't come close.  Some time later, he could.  Why?
Perhaps, like Abraham, Moses had demonstrated the kind of faith in God that can be counted as righteousness.  At the burning bush, he was living in exile and unacquainted with God's ways.  By the time he reached Sinai, he had followed God into Pharaoh's courts, through ten plagues, through the complaints of his own people, and through the parted waters of the sea.  He had grown in the relationship to the point that he could enter the cloud of glory on the mountain and the other people couldn't.  He was allowed to COME close to God because he had GROWN close to God.
We are given the same opportunity.  We are allowed to experience more of God's Presence if we choose to grow into it.  The more we follow Him in faith, the more we are invited into the depths of communion with Him.  All relationships grow deeper with mutual investment.  When we invest in God in response to His investment in us, He gives us the privilege of greater access to Him.   
Prayer: "Lord, when I am on holy ground, I want the privilege of coming closer.  Please help me grow in our relationship to the point that You invite me into the cloud of Your glory."  Amen
My prayers are for you,

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

rsvp TODAY for Bowling this Friday March 9 !!!!!

Need to hand in final count for Singles Bowling this Friday Night!  Please respond to this email or contact me at 964-3304 ext 1129 by Wednesday March 7.
Annual Christian Singles Adult Bowling Night
Friday March 9, 2012
Kingpin Lanes 9525 "Taylorsville Rd.  719-5464
$11/per person (bring cash please!....includes 2 hours bowling and shoe rental 
(reservations are for 30 people at this price...)
*****mark calendars for Sat. April 21...Annual Thunder Over Louisville Pizza fellowship...Clifton Pizza Frankfort Avenue  5:30pm
                                  Sun. May 27....Annual Memorial Day Singles Picnic/Games....5400 Minor Lane Picnic Pavilion  1-5pm
                                         June/ July  Annual River Bicycle Ride/Dinner....Canoe/Kayak activity near Frankfort, KY  (specific dates tba) 

Monday, February 27, 2012

March 9 BOWLING FUN......and small group Bible Study opportunities

Annual Christian Singles Adult Bowling Night
Friday March 9, 2012
Kingpin Lanes   9525 Taylorsville Rd.    719-5464
$11/per person (bring cash please!.....includes 2 hours bowling and shoes  (reservations are for 30 people at this price....please rsvp to this email or text me at 593-2117 if you plan to attend!)
******************rsvp to me by March 6  or price will increase.**************
Two small group Bible Study/fellowship opportunities starting THIS WEEK:
1)  Ladies:  5-6pm each Wednesday at McAlisters Deli 6510 Bardstown Road.  Group leader: Becky Hoagland
call or text 593-2117 or respond to this email for more info
2)  All Single Adults:  7pm each Tuesday at 9216 Auburn Ave. 40299.  Group leader:  Dr. Chris LeNeave.  email leneavedental@hotmail.com for more info
Friday March 9 - Bowling....(see info above)
Saturday April 21 - Annual Thunder Over Louisville Pizza fellowship...Clifton Pizza Frankfort Avenue
Sunday May 27 - Annual Memorial Day Singles Picnic/Games...5400 Minors Lane Picnic Pavilion  1pm-5pm
June/July -   Annual River Bicycle Ride/Dinner
                   Canoe/Kayak activity near Frankfort, KY (specific dates tba)
Blessings and prayers,

Monday, February 6, 2012

Encouraging Word.....tentative next Singles Event.

It is so common for Single Adults to wake up on some Monday mornings contemplating the all-too-familiar thoughts:
I just don't have the energy to deal with these same issues today by myself.
I am so tired of going to work day in and day out, trying to pay my bills, carrying this load all by myself and never having time to enjoy life.
I don't have the wisdom or emotions anymore to handle my children's issues.
I so wish I could have a true friend to just talk to, laugh with, cry with, and share with.
Life goes by so quickly....Is this all there is?
Let me encourage you today!   Yes, you can get up and face the day head-on and know that you will certainly be empowered by the Holy Spirit to touch someone's life with Christ's love.  Our thought life can be our worst enemy!  God's Word will always bring HOPE, LIFE, FAITH, PURPOSE, and PEACE.  Many times I have considered the thoughts above when life seemed to get so complicated and meaningless.  In those times, without much positive motivation and near-zero sense of God's presence, I would quote Galatians 6:9 "Let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart".
My advice for today:   JUST DO IT!  JUST DO WHAT YOU KNOW IS RIGHT EVEN IF YOU DON'T FEEL IT.  I PROMISE YOU.....YOU WON'T REGRET IT.  AND GOD PROMISES THAT YOU WILL REAP A GOOD HARVEST AT JUST THE RIGHT TIME !  Plant seeds today of honesty, kindness, grace, patience, love, forgiveness, diligence, and faithfulness.  You will reap an amazing harvest....that's a promise!   Blessings this day to you, Becky
WE had an amazing time snowtubing and enjoying dinner on the River together!  
Next EVENT:  BOWLING....Friday evening March 9, 2012  (this is tentative...but mark your calendars and watch for more info to come)
Some of us met together and agreed on the following upcoming activities:
April:  Bike ride along river trail / dinner
May:   Memorial Sunday Annual Singles Picnic
June:   Kayaking/Canoeing near Frankfort, KY

Thursday, January 26, 2012

This Saturday JANUARY 28....snowtubing/early dinner

Over 20 of you have signed up to join the group going to Paoli.  This is going to be such a fun event!
Unless you live in Indiana and are going to meet us at Paoli around 10am.....
Carpool is leaving Evangel christian School parking lot 5400 Minor Lane 40219 promptly at 9am.
Call or text Becky at 502-593-2117 if you still want to join this group.
Dress for snow....bring changed of clothes and some snacks....bring $25 plus dinner money and $5 for sharing gas expense.
******If you can't join us for snow tubing, then text me to see where we decide to stop for dinner around 3pm near River!*****

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Saturday Jan. 28 outing....devotional thoughts

We have a great group going snow tubing together Saturday Jan. 28.  This will be one of the highlights of this year, I'm sure!  Please contact me asap to put your name on the list.
Leaving at 9am from Evangel Christian School 5400 Minor Lane
cost:  $25 snow tubing at Paoli....dinner and carpooling money
Snow tube 11am-2pm.....dinner 3pm
arrive back 5pm
wear warm clothing for snow...hat, gloves....bring change of casual clothes for dinner.
Devotional Thoughts:
"You can make this choice by loving the Lord your God, obeying Him, and committing yourself firmly to him.  This is the key to your life"  Deut. 30:20
What are you preoccupied with right now?  Maybe you are focused on the biggest item on your to-do list, the biggest problem you face, or the biggest desire in your heart.  Whatever it is, it takes up a lot of mental space...and our brains have limited focus.
Chris Tiegreen suggests that our preoccupations don't usually line up with Scripture.  The Word continually points us back to worship or praise or some other Kingdom focus.  But instead we are distracted by competing demands about careers and relationships and personal plans for the future.  In themselves, these things are not wrong.  But we have a way of making them disproportionately large.  Our one true focus -- God -- seems to get pushed out of the way to make room.
Why do you think we are not more preoccupied with Him?  Why wouldn't we wake up each day with one pressing question:  How can I love Him well?  Other concerns can drain energy from our primary purpose.  Unless we fulfill our primary purpose, none of the rest falls into place or ultimately satisfies us.  But if we choose to love God not just in theory but in the largest spaces of our hearts and minds, He becomes more practically and powerfully present in us and with us.  He watches over our concerns when we watch over His.
Choose to love and adore Him as your primary preoccupation, and see what He does with the other concerns of your life.  He will fight battles, win victories, and resolve issues for those who are focused on Him.
With much love and appreciation,

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Singles Snow Tubing

SAVE THE DATE   ......Saturday January 28.......Annual Singles Snow Tubing Day




Time:  Leave Evangel Christian School 9am sharp!

          arrive Paoli Peaks 10am.....sign in then snow tube for 3 hours.

           arrive back at ECS around 5pm if you choose to stop for late lunch/early dinner at 3pm with group)


Cost:  $25 per person (cash or credit card)  (includes snow tube rental, runs, and lift)

           plus pitch in for gas money

           food money


Food:  Will stop at a restaurant around 3pm on the way home from Paoli Peaks to Louisville. (bring a snack for tubing breaks)


For More Info at Paoli Peaks:  go to:  www.paolipeaks.com


RSVP by Sat. Jan. 21st please to this email or call me at 964-3304 ext 1129

Contact some friends....let's get a big group together to have some winter fun.  DRESS WARM AND DRY!!!!


Snow tubing is lots of fun, is not dangerous and does not require athleticism like skiing or snow boarding.  YOU CAN DO IT! 


Thursday, January 5, 2012

Food for Thought....January 2012

In my Bible study time this morning I was impressed to share this thought with you all.....
Don't you ever tire of conflicts and confusion in your relationships?  If we could come to a resolve in our own hearts to reduce the clutter that this issue creates in our mind this year, wouldn't that bring some peace and clarity to our thought life?????  James 4 summarizes this conflict and gives the ultimate solution.  I want to make it my aim to let go of the battle within me to want something so badly that I would cause fights and quarrels to get it.  I desire pure motives when I go to God and ask for something, not that I may use it to fulfill my own pleasures.  Many Christians have set aside a time of fasting (giving up some things of pleasure to seek God more fully) at the start of this new year.  May we learn to submit ourselves to God.  May we adamantly resist the devil.  May we draw near to God.  May we humble ourselves before the Lord.  THEN....HE PROMISES TO LIFT US UP AND GIVE US GRACE!
...........................Choose to live a life in 2012 with less clutter of conflict---Free to be used of God.............................................
Scripture reference:
James 4:1-10   "What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don't they come from your desires that battle within you?  You want something but don't get it....When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures....God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble....Submit yourselves, then, to God.  Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.  Come near to God and He will come near to you.....Humble yourselves before the Lord, and He will lift you up".
On a Journey with God and you,

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Singles Snow tubing....Saturday January 28, 2012

SAVE THE DATE   ......Saturday January 28.......Annual Singles Snow Tubing Day
Time:  Leave Evangel Christian School 9am sharp!
          arrive Paoli Peaks 10am.....sign in then snow tube for 3 hours.
           arrive back at ECS around 5pm if you choose to stop for late lunch/early dinner at 3pm with group)
Cost:  $25 per person (cash or credit card)  (includes snow tube rental, runs, and lift)
           plus pitch in for gas money
           food money
Food:  Will stop at a restaurant around 3pm on the way home from Paoli Peaks to Louisville. (bring a snack for tubing breaks)
For More Info at Paoli Peaks:  go to:  www.paolipeaks.com
RSVP by Sat. Jan. 21st please to this email or call me at 964-3304 ext 1129
Contact some friends....let's get a big group together to have some winter fun.  DRESS WARM AND DRY!!!!
Snow tubing is lots of fun, is not dangerous and does not require athleticism like skiing or snow boarding.  YOU CAN DO IT!