Thursday, May 21, 2009

Upcoming events and "Bait of Satan" devotional for May 21st

Hello everyone!
I trust that you are well and encouraged today! We had a great day on the River last Saturday. Too bad that no one had a camera....BUT its a good thing since most of the group landed in the water at some point in the 13 miles journey!!! (I don't know how Evelyn and I remained dry!)

We'd like to take full advantage of this wonderful weather and plan another bike ride along the River trail, then dinner outside at a restaurant on the River. We are looking at Saturday June mark that on your calendar in pencil.

Friday evening June 5 - Meet at Minor Lane Prayer Chapel to spend time in corporate Worship and Prayer. The Music Ministry and Singles Ministry will lead this Worship Encounter the first Friday of each month. 10:00pm - 2:00am (stay as long as you desire....soup and salad served at 1:00am)

There will be SOURCE group tonight at Minors Lane.

(NO GROUP NEXT THURSDAY DUE TO ARTHUR BLESSITT in the sanctuary that night. Don't miss hearing this dynamic minister who carried the cross around the world.)

Bait of Satan
read pages 116-119 and pages 226-228

"But beware lest somehow this liberty of yours become a stumbling block to those who are weak." I Cor. 8:9

Consider these questions:
Do you think that some people today have been offended by the lifestyles of Christians?
How so?
Do the things you do seek the edification of another or myself?
What things have I given up so as not to offend others?

Take the "edification test" and remember how Paul summed up the heart of God in this matter:
"Therefore let us pursue the things which make for peace and the things by which one may edify another" (Rom. 14:19)
Read Matt. 18:6-10
Read I Cor. 10:23-24, 31-33
Jesus offended many people with the truth, but he did it as a result of obeying the Father and serving others...not by demanding His own rights.

Remember those He offended and why: The Pharisees when he healed on the Sabbath; Mary and Martha regarding Lazarus

Paul said: "We give no offense in anything, that our ministry may not be blamed" (2Cor. 6:3)

Prayerfully consider these thoughts!

Coming up Thurs. June 4.....FORGIVENESS: YOU DON'T GIVE--YOU DON'T GET !!!!!!!!!

You are very special to us and to God,

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Singles events and devotional for the week of May 4th

Let us know by Sunday May 10 (this Sunday) if you are planning on going with us on our canoe/kayak outing on Saturday May 16. It promises to be an exciting event! Tom needs to make reservations. thanks.

Friday June 5 -- 10:00pm-2:00am we will be leading the Worship Encounter in the Prayer Chapel at Evangel (Minors Lane). Praise, worship, prayer, the Word, and food/fellowship following.

"Bait of Satan" devotional:
Read pages 95-108 and pages 220-222 "The Rock of Offense"
Consider this: "Love is the bottom line in our relationship with the Lord--not love of principles or teachings, but love for the Person of Jesus Christ." (Bevere)
Read I Peter for the word "believe". In this passage, the words believe and disobedient are represented as opposites. Consider that the word "believe" could be replaced with the word "obedient". John 3:16 says; "...that whoever believes in Jesus should not perish but have everlasting life". If we are only required to believe that Jesus existed and died on the cross to be in good standing with God, then what about the demons who believe? James 2:19 says "You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe---and tremble!"

Consider these questions for yourself:
For me, faith is ____?
For me, obedience is ____?
If I say I believe and do not obey, then _____?
Do you believe that the main element of believing is obedience? If it is, then we could read scripture this way: "Therefore, to you who obey, He is precious; but to those who are disobedient, the stone which the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone, and a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense." (ref. I Peter. 2:6-8)
Remember: It is not difficult to obey when you know the character and love of the one to whom you are submitting. If your love for Christ is not strong and sure, then you are susceptible to OFFENSE and to STUMBLING.

Because of obedience to Christ, we suffer in the flesh since we do not fulfill the desires of men. Don't you believe that Jesus suffered His greatest opposition from the religious leaders in His day?! Religious people put their own parameters around the way God operates. When we are led by the Spirit, we will offend "religious" people just as Christ did.
Paul wote this: "The fact that the cross is the only way to salvation offends people, but that is the truth, and there's no way I'm going to preach anything else!" (ref. Gal. 5:11)

In the Source group this week, we will discuss how:
*Jesus offended the Pharisees
*Jesus offended those in his hometown
*Jesus offended His own family members
*Jesus offended His own staff
*Jesus offended some of His closest friends
*Jesus offended John the Baptist
Looking forward to seeing you soon....
Growing in Christ together,

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Singles events and devotional for the week of May 4th

Let us know by Sunday May 10 (this Sunday) if you are planning on going with us on our canoe/kayak outing on Saturday May 16. It promises to be an exciting event! Tom needs to make reservations. thanks.
Friday June 5 -- 10:00pm-2:00am we will be leading the Worship Encounter in the Prayer Chapel at Evangel (Minors Lane). Praise, worship, prayer, the Word, and food/fellowship following.
"Bait of Satan" devotional:
Read pages 95-108 and pages 220-222 "The Rock of Offense"
Consider this: "Love is the bottom line in our relationship with the Lord--not love of principles or teachings, but love for the Person of Jesus Christ." (Bevere)
Read I Peter for the word "believe". In this passage, the words believe and disobedient are represented as opposites. Consider that the word "believe" could be replaced with the word "obedient". John 3:16 says; "...that whoever believes in Jesus should not perish but have everlasting life". If we are only required to believe that Jesus existed and died on the cross to be in good standing with God, then what about the demons who believe? James 2:19 says "You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe---and tremble!"
Consider these questions for yourself:
For me, faith is ____?
For me, obedience is ____?
If I say I believe and do not obey, then _____?
Do you believe that the main element of believing is obedience? If it is, then we could read scripture this way: "Therefore, to you who obey, He is precious; but to those who are disobedient, the stone which the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone, and a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense." (ref. I Peter. 2:6-8)
Remember: It is not difficult to obey when you know the character and love of the one to whom you are submitting. If your love for Christ is not strong and sure, then you are susceptible to OFFENSE and to STUMBLING.
Because of obedience to Christ, we suffer in the flesh since we do not fulfill the desires of men. Don't you believe that Jesus suffered His greatest opposition from the religious leaders in His day?! Religious people put their own parameters around the way God operates. When we are led by the Spirit, we will offend "religious" people just as Christ did.
Paul wote this: "The fact that the cross is the only way to salvation offends people, but that is the truth, and there's no way I'm going to preach anything else!" (ref. Gal. 5:11)
In the Source group this week, we will discuss how:
*Jesus offended the Pharisees
*Jesus offended those in his hometown
*Jesus offended His own family members
*Jesus offended His own staff
*Jesus offended some of His closest friends
*Jesus offended John the Baptist
Looking forward to seeing you soon....
Growing in Christ together,

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Sunday, May 3, 2009

Thunder Pics

Here are some pics from thunder... see you at the Kayak Trip.

Bait of Satan devotional for the week of April 27

******Make sure you rsvp to this email or 964-3304 ext. 1129 by May 10th if you plan to join us on our annual kayak/canoe trip Saturday May 16 ....leaving Billtown at 9:30am and returning 4:30pm. Tom needs to make reservations with the outfitters there. It'll be a super great time!!!! Pray for good weather.*******

"Grace is Given to the Humble" read I Peter 5:5 and Phil.3:3
Be clothed with humility, for "God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble."
Read pages 88-92 and pages 218-219 (Bait of Satan)
We have been studying the life of Simon Peter and his struggle with pride. After his denial of Christ, he had lost his natural confidence and let humility become part of his character. Humility is a prerequisite in order to be used of God and necessary for the grace of God to flow through us freely.

Trials and testing in life will bring to light what is truly in our heart. Our reaction and attitude will show if we pass the test of humility and consequently allow our roots to shoot down deeper, stabilizing us and our future. Failure to pass the test leaves us offended and defiled with bitterness.

Think about this:
The author states...."Christians who experience hurts and disappointments often become offended with the Lord because they believe He should give them special considerations for all that they have done for Him. They are serving Him for the wrong reasaons. We should not serve the Lord for WHAT HE CAN DO, but rather for WHO HE IS and WHAT HE HAS ALREADY DONE FOR US."

Are you serving the Lord out of pride, self-confidence, or the hope that He will reward you for your service with material things or an easy life? OR Are you rooted and grounded in knowing that God would never do anything to harm or destroy you, and whatever He does or does not do in your life is in your best interest. If you know this, then you will give yourself freely to Him, lay your life down for Him, and cannot be offended because you are not your own. Can you say: "I trust You, God even though I don't understand." Read Hebrews 11:35-39 and you will be reminded of those who never saw the fulfillment of their promises from God and still did not waver.

complete these sentences:

My motivation for serving Christ is__________.
My confidence rests in _________________.
The reward I expect from Him is _____________________.
Search my heart oh God!

See you Thursday at Source,

"All that can be shaken will be shaken" devotional

What a wonderful time we had together this past Saturday! Tom is out of town but will place some great pictures on the website when he returns. Look for them. We packed out the upstairs at Clifton's, for sure. The food was awesome! The fellowship was fun! The fireworks were spectacular! The traffic was horrific!!!!! I guess we must learn to take the good with the bad and allow God to make good out of it all. AT least we were presented a great opportunity to get to know each other better as we sat in traffic.
Many or you signed up to go canoeing and kayaking with us on May 16. We will be in touch with details soon.
Let's focus for a moment on our study in "The Bait of Satan" by John Bevere. We will have this discussion Thursday April 23 at 7:30 in Minor Lane foyer. Join us there!
All That Can Be Shaken Will Be Shaken:
(read pages 215-217 and pages 79-88)
(study these scriptures: Hebrews 12:26-27, I Cor. 3:10-11, I John 2:15-17, Luke 22:24-32)
We studied last Thursday about Simon Peter being named "Rock" and why we should build our lives on the solid foundation of Christ. We learn this week how toward the end of Jesus' earthly ministry Peter discovered that he was not as strong as he had previously thought. He was not yet walking in the character and humility of Christ, but was building his life and ministry with past victories and pride, such as walking on the water, or his revelation of who Jesus was, or being present at the mount of transfiguration. He had become quite self confident until the night of the betrayal. Jesus warned him "Simon, Simon! Indeed, Satan has asked for you, that he may sift you as wheat" (Luke 22:31) Remember: When the Enemy (Satan) shakes us, it is to destroy us completely.
Note that when Jesus prayed for Peter it was that Peter's faith would not fail in the process of the shaking. He did not pray that Peter would escape the intense test. Jesus knew that this trial would bring out a new character, the one that Simon Peter needed to fulfill his destiny and strengthen his friends.
Some think that it is the big things that cause men and women to stumble. Often it is the minor ones. Many people have prayed a "sinner's prayer," attended church, become active, and studied their Bibles. All of this, however, is without a revelation of who Jesus really is, even though they have confessed Him with their mouths. When a severe disappointment occurs, they are offended with God and will have nothing to do with Him. (read Mark 4:16-17) We must be rooted and grounded in love. We will never lay down our lives for someone we do not trust.
What trips you up:
the lust of the flesh
The lust of the eyes
The pride of life
When any part of our lives is built upon worldly things, that part will be shaken by Christ. Count on it! Any thought process or heart attitude that is rooted in selfishness or pride will be shaken and purged. Ask God to sift the pride, selfishness, and lust from your life. Remember:
May God change our character to reflect His image,