Tuesday, November 30, 2010

McAlisters this Thursday Dec, 2......Devotional.......Dec. 21 Christmas party at Glenmary!

It's the First Thursday of the Month of December.....Meet you at McAlisters across from Jefferson Mall around 6:00pm.  We will eat, fellowship, discuss "Honesty in Communication",  then head over to the fabulous Christmas Cantata at Minors Lane at 7:30pm.
                               WATCH FOR DETAILS FROM TOM FAWBUSH IN THE NEXT FEW DAYS!!!!!!!
"Honesty in Communication"
read pages 99-106 Character Matters by Dr. Mark Rutland
Truth is sacred because departure from truth is departure from God.  Satan is a liar and the father of lies.  Those who operate in right relationship to ultimate truth live in right relationship to who God is.  They reflect the character of their Father.  Those who deal in deception reveal who their true father is.  Satan is the father of and the center of all deception in the earth.
   True Truth and False Truth:
There may be things that are true, but they are not the truth.  Discuss the story of Abraham and Sarah.  She was technically his half sister, but the higher reality was that she was his wife.
True statements can be woven together to form an untruth.  Discuss Classic example of the first mate's log entry regarding the captain of the ship:   "Captain was sober today."  This insinuated that the Captain has an alcohol problem, which he didn't.  A true statement can be made an untruth, a destructive untruth that can wreak havoc in any organization.  This firstmate, in deception, manipulation and innuendo brings disharmony to the ship.
A lie has a great deal to do with motive. ex)promise to take a child to the park; then park gets destroyed by tornado.
Every parent must make the determination about how to relate to truth and fantasy.  Discuss Santa Claus.
Remember that Literalism will make our lives joyless and uncreative.
   2 Kinds of Dishonest Communication:  
SIMULATION:  to seem to be what we are not.   Tools are: exaggeration, pretense and hypocrisy.  The image-conscious society in which we live hates truth and loves appearance.  Discuss Annanias and Sapphira in Acts 5:1-11.  God is serious about religious simulation.  They were not slain for withholding money.  They died for claiming more generosity and gracious faith than they had.
Discuss:  Are we sending ministries mixed signals when we financially support ministries that are experts in simulation, and then hate them when they are exposed for disception?
DISSIMULATION:  to seem not to be what we are.
Matt. 26:69-75  Story of Peter's denial.
The compromised, lacking the courage of their convictions deny who they are.  The temptation will seldom be to outright denial, but rather to subtle compromises.
The Instinct for Dishonesty:  The motivation for dishonesty is the animal instinct for self-preservation.  The flesh says, "If I want it, I'll steal it.  If I am not, I'll pretend to be.  If I am, I'll pretend not to be.  If I want to sell it, I will not tell everything."  What can possibly shatter the spell of so inborn an instinct?   PROVERBS 22:4 SAYS, "BY HUMILITY AND THE FEAR OF THE LORD ARE RICHES, AND HONOUR, AND LIFE."Babies are not born with the fear of God .  We must teach and instill Godly fear.
........In every human heart there is the thumbprint of the Creator.  It is a homesickness for the image of God. JOHN 8:32 "YE SHALL KNOW THE TRUTH, AND THE TRUTH SHALL MAKE YOU FREE".  This is the mystery key to full humanity in the image of God.
Pilate asked the infamous question:  "What is truth?"  God answered:  'I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE".  JOHN 14:6 
Desiring Truth in all things,

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