Thursday, October 14, 2010

Modesty and Controlled Living - Oct. 14 devotional......Oct. 22 Hayride/Bonfire

OCTOBER 22 HAYRIDE/BONFIRE.....FOR ALL SINGLE ADULTS IN LOUISVILLE AREA.....7:30 - 10:30PM   (see Tom Fawbush email flier for details and directions)
Modesty and Controlled Living
read pages 72-75   Character Matters by Dr. Mark Rutland
Modesty keeps its emotions under appropriate control.  It has no inordinate need for attention, because of a calm self-acceptance and self-possession.
Modesty is not passionless living.  It is passion under control.  It is passion that accepts the limits of propriety.
What do you think?  "It is uselessly legalistic to ask such questions as how short is too short and how sheer is too sheer.  The more important questions about modest dress have to do with being showy or inappropriately seeking attention."
If immodesty has to do with excessiveness, then could a high, twisted bun hairstyle be excessive and flamboyant, demanding attention? 
Our author suggests: "Modesty that is fastidious and judgmental will become legalistic to say the least.  It is false modesty that nitpicks and criticizes youthful enthusiasm and discourages joy and vitality.  Such pharisaism is hateful and binds people up."
Guidelines to Modesty:
(Listing rules would be petty, soon dated and would miss the point entirely.)
consider these:
* Always be suspicious of the flamboyant.  Remember that you are trying to express the orderly, decent, modest glory of God through the way you dress.   
* Instantly suspect fads.
* In clothing, particularly, try to avoid those styles that are provocative and draw attention to your body.
BALANCE is key word!  Holiness does not always have a look like it has been thrown away:)  The point is that an inner conviction to seek modesty requires Christians to look in the mirror and honestly ask themselves some searching questions:
...Are these clothes just slightly too tight?  Is this dress just a little too low cut?  Will these clothes be an unnecessary temptation to others?
Modesty is the quiet, dignified celebration of the sacredness of one's privacy with God
Discussion point:  Recently a young actress explained her nudity in a movie by asking, "Well, what about Adam and Eve?  They were naked in the Garden of Eden.  I'm not ashamed of my body either."
Important fact about Adam and Eve:  They did not even know they were naked.  Pure Innocence(which we know not of!)
That which is used for a shameful purpose becomes shameful, and that which is used to incite lust or cause guilt in others is shameful.  The body is not shameful and should not be used shamefully. 
God is for the body.  The body is holy, a living sacrifice, acceptable unto God.  Modesty does not want to inspire the unhealthy attention of others.  It does not want to be the center of attention. Modesty--true, balanced, wholesome modesty--wants JESUS to be the center of attention.
Closing thoughts by author:
"It would be easy if the "Ninety-seven Rules From God About Modesty" were to descend from heaven.  That is what the Pharisees thought they had.  They were wrong and, in their wrongness, became legalistic and hateful.  Their modesty was as fleshly as the prostitutes's immodesty.  There are no rules like that because God will not give them.  Instead, we must make decisions about makeup, clothing, attire and all related matters because our hearts are His home and our bodies are a living sacrifice to Him."
See ya tonight 6:00pm Minor Lane Foyer,

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