3RD ANNUAL SINGLES KAYAK/CANOE TRIP.......COMING UP SOON....SATURDAY JUNE 26......RESERVE YOUR SPOT BY JUNE 20 (RSVP TO ewpcsingles@gmail.com) see informational flier sent last week for details or call Becky at 964-3304 ext. 1129
Willingness to Take Your Post
read pages 133-137 "One in a Million" by Priscilla Shirer
read Ex. 17:8-13
List the task assigned to each person: Moses, Aaron, Hur, Joshua
Historical credit for the victory against the Amalekites has been given to Aaron and Hur. Joshua's job seemed less impressive, but far more dangerous. What tasks to which you are currently called don't always feel as worthwhile as you could wish? Often we become so consumed with envy over what God asks someone else to do that we fail to do what God asks of us...without complaining. Since promised-land living is largely about knowing, accepting, and doing God's will for us, we must follow Joshua's example. He willingly, without complaint or fuss, fulfilled the role appointed to him.
Which of these assignments seems most appealing to you?:
Leading worship
changing diapers
teaching Bible studies
working at a corporate job
helping an elderly person shop for groceries
attending seminary
evangelize overseas
coaching little league
singing solos
singing in choir....
It can be difficult to stay focused on our task when credit for the victory often goes to others while we fight over-looked battles. We must come to understand that the task God has given us in this season of our lives is just as important to the health of the church and the over-all Kingdom of God as leading missions programs and singing solos in the church choir.
(Look over the examples on page 134-135 in your book) can you relate?
Body Parts
Read I Cor. 12:1, 4-31
answer true or false:
____ Everyone has the same spiritual gifts
____Only some believers are given spiritual gifts
____spiritual gifts are given for the common good of the entire body of Christ
____Spiritual gifts are given to believers as the Spirit sees fit.
____All gifts are equally necessary and valuable.
God designed each gift to enable a believer to accomplish His calling on his/her life. Contentment with our circumstances comes as we rest in and utilize the gifts God provides.
Why Me? Why Now?
Joshua could have asked these two questions when asked to select an army to exact vengeance on a formidable foe. Moses saw Joshua's potential and called him to act on it. Has anyone ever seen in you something you did not see in yourself? How did their belief in you affect your atitude and effort toward the job you'd been asked to do? I personally feel very strongly about encouraging others in their giftings. We should look daily for opportunities to encourage others to serve God faithfully where they are planted. Compliment them....cheer them on....recognize the good that they do....give them a smile or a hug....tell them you are proud to be their friend.
How does Jeremiah 1:5 answer the question "Why Me"?
How does Ecc. 3:1-8 answer "Why Now"?
The success of God's people depends on the Joshuas, the Aarons, and the Hurs all doing their parts for the glory of God. Do a quick heart-check: Are you assisting or detracting from the body of Christ's ability to function well? To experience all that God has for us and for the church to experience all that God has for her, we must be willing to take our posts.
Read the following and describe how a willingness to take on the assigned post was imperative to each person's successful entry into Canaan:
Joshua: Joshua 1:1-2
Reubenites, Gadites, and Manasseh: Joshua 1:12-16
The Children of Israel: Joshua 3:3-4
May we have holy courage to accept our post,
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