rsvp to this email for the canoe trip this coming Saturday June 26.....or call 964-3304 ext 1129. We have a great group signed up already.
See ya Thursday at Source OR Saturday at Minors Lane EWPC at 10:00am to leave for the river!
The Minority Report
from One in a Million by Priscilla Shirer
read pages 137-141
read Number 13:18-20
What were the spies sent to discover about: the people, the land, the cities?
Deut. 1:22 reveals that God allowed Moses to send the spies because it is what the Hebrew children wanted. It seemed there was an option in their mind as to whether they might enter the Promised Land at all! Perhaps if the land looked impregnable, the decision of Moses should be to forego assault. However, the fact is that God had already given them a specific word regarding Canaan: He would give it to them (Num. 13:1-2). THIS REVEALED A MISTRUST OF GOD BY A MAJORITY OF THE PEOPLE!
Have you ever been discouraged by well-meaning Christians who questioned your eagerness to experience more of God?
Against whom or what might you have to bravely stand to embrace God's promises to you?
Let's pray as a group about this.
Only Joshua and Caleb chose to trust God at His word.
Even though some Christians might choose to enjoy questionable forms of entertainment, to halfheartedly adhere to spiritual disciplines, or to stay in the "safe-zone" of comfortable Christianity, do you choose to believe God though you must sometimes stand alone to do it!!!!!!!!??????
Believing God-
Conquering Canaan will require a lifelong commitment to courage, our posts, and our position in the minority. Taking God at His word isn't popular sometimes.
Do you desire to adopt a radical lifestyle faith???
We must remain rooted in the facts of God's promises to us!
Read Numbers 13:27-28 What did the spies find that validated God's promise to them. What caused them to question God?
Read Numbers 14:7-9 How do you think faith influenced Joshua and Caleb's perception of the land?
How did the spies' conclusion clash with Joshua's and Caleb"s?
It is strange to note that even after receiving bounty that they could touch and even taste (fruits), the Israelite spies spent more time and energy focusing on the possibility of defeat than on god's promise of victory.
List 3 things you believe God has asked you to believe Him for in your life.
List the things that make it difficult for you to trust.
"Doubt see the obstacles...Faith sees the way!
Doubt sees the darkest night...Faith sees the day!
Doubt dreads to take a step...Faith soars on high!
Doubt questions, "Who Believes?"...Faith answers, "I!"
read Numb. 13:31
We can't conquer life's trials on our own, but God allows us to overcome with His help.
Remember, the spies' report wasn't fictitious. The cities did prove fortified, and the inhabitants were fierce...this was all true! The problem with the report was that the spies allowed valid concerns to weigh more heavily than God's word and their confidence in it.
As Christians, we must not live as people more directed by human reasoning than by faith.
Following just facts leads us down a dangerous, slippery trail that can end only in failure (Keller). Keller identifies the four fatal steps as : facts, fear, fantasy of foreboding, and failure.
1. facts---always look unbeatable and discouraging
2. Fear---implanted by the Enemy
3. Fantasy of foreboding ---creating a "what if" scenario
4. Failure---refusal to carry out God's plan
Numbers 14:37-38 explains that the spies who followed the steps to disaster "died by a plague before the Lord."
Be blessed as we hold onto God's promises,
Do you place more weight on the things God has asked you to believe or in the things that make it difficult?
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