Wednesday, February 17, 2010

March event....and Devotion for Feb. 11 and Feb. 18

What a great time we had Friday night at our home! Over 20 of you disregarded the weather forecast and came on out for lots of laughs, great food, and rich time of testimony and exhortation. WE will have Tom update you with some pictures (some of you really came out of your shells with your 70's song performances!!!!!:)
Pastor Bob feels a real burden to "Carry the Cross" around our city. We, as a singles team, want to share in making this happen. This walk begins today and will continue each Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday from 10:00am- noon until Easter. I have chosen Saturday March 20 (10:00am - noon) for us to walk as a group to support this effort. We will pray and sing as we walk around our city that day. Please mark your calendars to join us. Let's take a stand and let our city know we are committed to intercede for a real spiritual awakening here! I will check with the Japanese Restaurant near Bardstown road to see if we can make reservations to eat there as a large group following our prayer walk around 1:00pm......details and confirmation of plans to follow.
Feb. 11 devotional: The In-Between Times
read Page 69 - 73 One in a Million by Priscilla Shirer
We must prepare ourselves for the times between visible miracles in our lives. We do not want to become idle between one spiritual high point and the next. If we are not careful we will allow the enemy to cloud our memories of God's provision and even convince us that God has forgotten about us in these times. We should not despise these in between times because they are necessary connections between one event and the next.
Read Ex. 16:1,,,15:27...19:18
How should a believer respond to God when he/she feels they are experiencing a spiritual lull? Ex. 16:2 Psl 106:7,13,25
Do you recognize the spirit of complaint in your life: Frustration becomes raging disgust, whining and longing for something other than what God provides? Be honest with yourself and with God. read Romans 1:21 Phil 2:14 Phil 4:4,6,8.
I Cor. 10:9-10...grumbling against the Lord's plan for our lives is a serious offense.
Let's trust God for the in-between times. He always proves faithful.
Feb. 18 A Blessing, Not a Barrier
read pages 74-77 One in a Million by Priscilla Shirer
read Ex. 13:18, 14:4
God desired not to get the Hebrews in close proximity to Canaan as much as bringing them to close proximity to Himself. He purposefully "led the people around by the way of the wilderness to the Red Sea". What could be God's purpose for this? The word "Glory" is "Kabed" be heavy, weighty, or burdensome. God's integrity should be given immense weight and credibility and be frully trusted. The Lord gave the Israelites a tremendous visual at the Red Sea that helped raise their understanding of just how much honor He is due. Pharoah's Army got a visual too!!!!
****How might a more weighty view of God's ability alter your relationship with Him?*****
Think about a time when your appreciation of God's ability deepened. How did it impact your pursuit of the Lord?
Key: Salvation delivers you out of Egypt, but the wilderness is designed to work Egypt out of you. God wants to have an increasing amount of weight in our decision-making and lifestyle choices.
****How has God used the wilderness to work Egypt out of You?****
Shirer encourages us to....take a moment to release control over your difficulties to the Lord, choosing to believe in His overwhelming love for you. Trust Him to decide what is best for you. We've got to know that sickness, financial debacles, marital disasters, heartbreaks, and the greatest needs of our lives don't have to derail our relationship with God. In the midst of our pain, God makes a way for us to see and experience His greatness. AMEN
Hope to see you this Thursday at 7:30,

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