Saturday, October 18, 2008

Book Study Notes

REMEMBER the SINGLES SOURCE class each week at Minors Lane 6:30-7:30pm…We are studying “the Bait of Satan”.

Thought for this week from “The Bait Of Satan”:
Gal. 6:8-9 “For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life. And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.”

Read pages 13-16 “Bait of Satan” - assignment.

Rate your opinion on a scale from “Usually True” to “Seldom true” for these statements:

  1. I offend easily.
  2. Friends seem to offend easily.
  3. People at work get offended easily.
  4. Relatives get easily offended.
  5. I expect much of others.
  6. I am easily disappointed
  7. I love conditionally.
  8. I bless to be blessed.

In the last days many will be easily offended. If we walk in a selfish love—expecting others to meet our expectations for love—then we will be easily offended when they don’t respond as we desire. The more I expect, the greater the potential offense. We do not need to position ourselves for potential offenses in our lives. Ask God to replace your expectations of others with unconditional love for them.

Remember: Whenever you give love, you are sowing to the Spirit and will eventually reap a harvest of love in due season.

If you have not purchased the recommended book "the Bait of Satan" by John Bevere, they are carrying it in the Minors Lane and Billtown bookstores for around $13.00. Please get your copy this Sunday because they only ordered 10 copies for each location. They will order more, of course, if they need to. We certainly appreciate Kenny and Doe for taking care of us in this way.

I'll send the next devotional out Sunday. Look for it. We will meet for Thursday night Source group at 6:30pm this week...oct. 23.

Remember to join us for Bowling on Nov. 14 and our Christmas Party on Dec. 19.

Have a wonderful weekend,

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