Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Thoughts from "The Bait of Satan" for Oct. 29

Thank you to all who have taken time to respond to last week's comments. We
also had a large group at our Source meeting this past Thursday. We will
meet again tomorrow night (Oct. 30) at 6:30 at Minor Lane in the Fellowship
Hall. NO SOURCE MEETING NEXT THURSDAY NOV. 6 due to Team Impact at Billtown
Campus at 6:30 that evening.

Please read pages 23-26 and Day 5 Devotions(p. 188-189) How could This
happen to Me?

Genesis 50:19-20 Joseph said to them."But as for you, you meant evil
against me; but God meant it for good."

The author, John Bevere, categorizes offended people in two groups: those
who have been genuinely mistreated, and those who think they have been
mistreated but actually were not. Our question to consider this week is:
Do you have the right to be offended when you have been genuinely

Please read Genesis 37 - 48 and evaluate Joseph's words and actions.
How did Joseph respond to each circumstance?
Did he become offended or did he forgive? Did he blame others for his
circumstances or did he trust God? Did he seek revenge or did he seek to be

How did Jesus respond to his abusers?

Did Joseph and Jesus have the right to be offended?

KEY: Satan hopes we will take his bait of offense so that he will have a
foothold into our lives.

If we don't take the bait, then Satan cannot touch us!

Ask God for the wisdom of Joseph to avoid taking offense and to trust Him
instead of blaming others or circumstances for difficulties in life.

We will consider next week the question: Is God really in Control?

Stay tuned here!

Praying for you,

******don't' forget Friday November 14 8:00pm - 11:00pm Singles Bowling Night. Mark your calendar and join us!

Check out the pictures of our last biking activity at <>
Thanks. Tom and Doris.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

This week's thoughts from "The Bait of Satan"

I trust that you have picked up your copy of “The Bait of Satan” by John Bevere by now. They are carrying it in our EWPC Bookstores now, so get yours before they are all gone.

Study pages 16-21; Day 4 Walls of Protection p. 185-187

Walls of Protection:
Consider the parallels between Old Testament city walls and walls around our hearts.
Proverbs 18:19 A Brother offended is harder to win than a strong city, and contentions are like the bars of a castle.
We open our lives only to those we believe are on our side. These walls of protection can become a prison to us.
If we don’t risk being hurt, we cannot give unconditional love.
Unconditional love gives others the RIGHT to hurt us. Love does not seek its own.
Read 2 Corinthians 10:4-5…the stronghold of offense: “For the weapons of our warfare….”
We find it impossible to believe God when we continue filtering everything through past hurts, rejections, and experiences.
The love of God has become cold in our lives. We produce no real spiritual fruit.
Read the section on False Prophets in the last days 2Tim. 3:1-5; 4:3-4 (“…for men will be unforgiving…having a form of godliness but denying its power….” ) When we hold on to offense, we are denying that God can change us from being unforgiving to forgiving.
We are an information generation, but this can lead to a religious spirit if we refuse to repent of the sin of offense. It hides the truth and we spew out bitter waters.
Read Matt. 24:10 regarding Betrayal. Consider the progression of Offense, Betrayal, Hatred (I John 3:15)
Let’s live by these Laws of Love found in the following passages:
I Cor. 6:7, Matt. 5:44, Phil. 2:3

The author emphasizes that the sin of offense is serious. If it is not dealt with, offense will eventually lead to death. Let’s resist the temptation to build walls of offense so that God can bring great victory in our lives. These are truly the Last Days. Let’s ask God to clean out anything in our lives that keeps us focused inward instead of Kingdomward.

Reaching together for the prize of the High Calling in Christ Jesus,

Pics from the Bike Trip

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Book Study Notes

REMEMBER the SINGLES SOURCE class each week at Minors Lane 6:30-7:30pm…We are studying “the Bait of Satan”.

Thought for this week from “The Bait Of Satan”:
Gal. 6:8-9 “For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life. And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.”

Read pages 13-16 “Bait of Satan” - assignment.

Rate your opinion on a scale from “Usually True” to “Seldom true” for these statements:

  1. I offend easily.
  2. Friends seem to offend easily.
  3. People at work get offended easily.
  4. Relatives get easily offended.
  5. I expect much of others.
  6. I am easily disappointed
  7. I love conditionally.
  8. I bless to be blessed.

In the last days many will be easily offended. If we walk in a selfish love—expecting others to meet our expectations for love—then we will be easily offended when they don’t respond as we desire. The more I expect, the greater the potential offense. We do not need to position ourselves for potential offenses in our lives. Ask God to replace your expectations of others with unconditional love for them.

Remember: Whenever you give love, you are sowing to the Spirit and will eventually reap a harvest of love in due season.

If you have not purchased the recommended book "the Bait of Satan" by John Bevere, they are carrying it in the Minors Lane and Billtown bookstores for around $13.00. Please get your copy this Sunday because they only ordered 10 copies for each location. They will order more, of course, if they need to. We certainly appreciate Kenny and Doe for taking care of us in this way.

I'll send the next devotional out Sunday. Look for it. We will meet for Thursday night Source group at 6:30pm this week...oct. 23.

Remember to join us for Bowling on Nov. 14 and our Christmas Party on Dec. 19.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Next Events and Great Bike Trip

We were certainly blessed with an absolutely beautiful day to ride our bikes this past Saturday. The dinner at Mark’s Feed Store was delicious and the fellowship was wonderful! Some of us extended the evening by going to a movie later on. “Fireproof” is a must-see for all Christians. It is a perfect movie to invite your unsaved friends to see with you. Thank God for this avenue to touch the world with the truth of God’s Word.

Here’s who came Last Saturday to one or more of our activities of the day:
Wanda, Natalie, Barb O., Bekah, Geneva, Linda, Rachel, Robin, Becky, Doris, Brenda, Rocky, Michelle, Roger, Tom F., Earl, Jeremy, Vance, Gregg, Tom H., Kathy, Jonah, Philip, David
…….thanks for joining us!


Friday night Nov. 14 – Bowling Night at King Pin on Taylorsville Road – tentative time: 8:00-11:00pm

Friday night Dec. 19 – Singles Christmas Party at Jeremy Cassidy’s home off of Seatonville Road – 7:30-11:30pm
***Bring $5.00each for meat and also bring a covered dish (casserole, dessert, vegetable, or salad)

We will asking for help in decorating for this event.