Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Thoughts to ponder......AND......Next "Gathering" activity April 21, 2012

Bowling and Mexican Dinner was Super Fun!   We had over 35 singles at our Bowling party and 25 at dinner on March 9!  Make your plans to join us for our next big "Gathering":
Annual "Thunder over Louisville" Dinner/Fellowship
Saturday April 21, 2012
Clifton's Pizza Company   2230 Frankfort Avenue  (Close to Fireworks)
******We reserve the entire second floor of restaurant....great food....reasonable price.....the BEST fellowship!*******
(following dinner, some of us carpool to the Fireworks at the River.....optional activity)
rsvp to this email or call 964-3304ext. 1129
Thoughts taken from Chris Tiegreen devotional:  Experiencing God's Presence
.......Ex. 3:5   "Do not come any closer..."
Why would a God who desires a close relationship with those made in His image tell one of His servants not to come any closer?  Is it because in this introductory meeting between God and Moses at a burning bush, closeness would have been dangerous?  Because a human being next to a holy God is a perilous combination?  Perhaps, but that doesn't explain why God invited this same Moses up to the top of Sinai to experience His intense Presence later--even while warning every other Israelite to stay away or else suffer death.  Nothing happened between the burning bush and Sinai to remove Moses' sin.  The sacrificial system hadn't been instituted yet, Moses expressed no great confession and repentance, God made no declarations of forgiveness.  In one event, Moses couldn't come close.  Some time later, he could.  Why?
Perhaps, like Abraham, Moses had demonstrated the kind of faith in God that can be counted as righteousness.  At the burning bush, he was living in exile and unacquainted with God's ways.  By the time he reached Sinai, he had followed God into Pharaoh's courts, through ten plagues, through the complaints of his own people, and through the parted waters of the sea.  He had grown in the relationship to the point that he could enter the cloud of glory on the mountain and the other people couldn't.  He was allowed to COME close to God because he had GROWN close to God.
We are given the same opportunity.  We are allowed to experience more of God's Presence if we choose to grow into it.  The more we follow Him in faith, the more we are invited into the depths of communion with Him.  All relationships grow deeper with mutual investment.  When we invest in God in response to His investment in us, He gives us the privilege of greater access to Him.   
Prayer: "Lord, when I am on holy ground, I want the privilege of coming closer.  Please help me grow in our relationship to the point that You invite me into the cloud of Your glory."  Amen
My prayers are for you,

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

rsvp TODAY for Bowling this Friday March 9 !!!!!

Need to hand in final count for Singles Bowling this Friday Night!  Please respond to this email or contact me at 964-3304 ext 1129 by Wednesday March 7.
Annual Christian Singles Adult Bowling Night
Friday March 9, 2012
Kingpin Lanes 9525 "Taylorsville Rd.  719-5464
$11/per person (bring cash please!....includes 2 hours bowling and shoe rental 
(reservations are for 30 people at this price...)
*****mark calendars for Sat. April 21...Annual Thunder Over Louisville Pizza fellowship...Clifton Pizza Frankfort Avenue  5:30pm
                                  Sun. May 27....Annual Memorial Day Singles Picnic/Games....5400 Minor Lane Picnic Pavilion  1-5pm
                                         June/ July  Annual River Bicycle Ride/Dinner....Canoe/Kayak activity near Frankfort, KY  (specific dates tba)