It is so common for Single Adults to wake up on some Monday mornings contemplating the all-too-familiar thoughts:
I just don't have the energy to deal with these same issues today by myself.
I am so tired of going to work day in and day out, trying to pay my bills, carrying this load all by myself and never having time to enjoy life.
I don't have the wisdom or emotions anymore to handle my children's issues.
I so wish I could have a true friend to just talk to, laugh with, cry with, and share with.
Life goes by so quickly....Is this all there is?
Let me encourage you today! Yes, you can get up and face the day head-on and know that you will certainly be empowered by the Holy Spirit to touch someone's life with Christ's love. Our thought life can be our worst enemy! God's Word will always bring HOPE, LIFE, FAITH, PURPOSE, and PEACE. Many times I have considered the thoughts above when life seemed to get so complicated and meaningless. In those times, without much positive motivation and near-zero sense of God's presence, I would quote Galatians 6:9 "Let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart".
My advice for today: JUST DO IT! JUST DO WHAT YOU KNOW IS RIGHT EVEN IF YOU DON'T FEEL IT. I PROMISE YOU.....YOU WON'T REGRET IT. AND GOD PROMISES THAT YOU WILL REAP A GOOD HARVEST AT JUST THE RIGHT TIME ! Plant seeds today of honesty, kindness, grace, patience, love, forgiveness, diligence, and faithfulness. You will reap an amazing harvest....that's a promise! Blessings this day to you, Becky
WE had an amazing time snowtubing and enjoying dinner on the River together!
Next EVENT: BOWLING....Friday evening March 9, 2012 (this is tentative...but mark your calendars and watch for more info to come)
Some of us met together and agreed on the following upcoming activities:
April: Bike ride along river trail / dinner
May: Memorial Sunday Annual Singles Picnic
June: Kayaking/Canoeing near Frankfort, KY