Wednesday, April 27, 2011

devotional thoughts for Thurs. April 28, 2011....NEXT week Meet at Mcalisters for dinner 6-7:15pm

p53-56  Dianna Schiech  "Jesus is Coming"
The Last Great War:
It is almost unbelievable to think that there will still be many on the earth who have rebellious hearts and desire to be free from Christ's rule in the prosperous, peaceful Millennium.  Rev. 20:7-10 tells of a short season when the Deceiver will be loosed at the end of the 1,000 years again.  He and the ones who rebel will surround Jerusalem to attempt to defeat Christ one last time.  At this time, God the Father will call down  fire from Heaven and destroy everyone who dares to come against Christ!  FINALLY SATAN WILL BE THROWN INTO THE LAKE OF FIRE TO JOIN THE ANTICHRIST AND FALSE PROPHET AND BE BOUND THERE FOREVER AND EVER!
                             ******THERE WILL NEVER BE ANOTHER WAR !!!!!! ***********
The Great White Throne Judgment:
This is the Judgment for all people who rejected Christ as Lord and Savior.
All unbelievers will be resurrected from the seas and ashes of the earth to stand before Christ.  The power, prestige, rebellion and lusts of the world that were so important to them during earth life will not help them at all when they stand before God Almighty (Rev. 20:11-15)
The Book of Life will reveal only the names of the saved. All unsaved will go to the Lake of Fire.  There will be levels of punishment (Rom. 2:6) just like there are levels of rewards in Heaven.
Matt. 7:21 says..."...not every man that saith to me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven..."
******Only by faith in the Cross and cleansing by the Blood of Christ can our names be recorded in the Book of Life. *******
The New Heavens and the New Earth:
2 Peter 3:10-13:  After the final judgment of unbelievers at the end of the Millennium, God will cleanse the entire earth with fire.
Rev. 21:1-5   The Holy City of New Jerusalem:
1,500 miles square
God will dwell with men
No more crying and no more death
No more pain or sorrow
12 gates of pearl guarded by 12 majestic angels
12 foundations of the city will be made out of different beautiful gems
the walls will be jasper
the city, itself, will be as pure gold
no seas will be on the earth
a river proceeding from the throne of God that will be clear as crystal
tree of Life will be there for the healing of the nations
the Lamb's Name will be on every believer's forehead
It will always be day, illuminated from the Lord
There will be no more night
The saints will live and rule with Christ forever and ever (Is. 65:17, Rev. 21-22)
Outside the City:
Rev. 21:8..."but the cowardly.....burns with fire and brimstone..."
Rev. 21:15..."outside.....whoever loves and practices a lie".
Rev. 22:17..."and the Spirit and bride say, Come!  And let him who hears say, Come!  And let him who thirsts come.  Whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely"
NEXT DEVOTIONAL.......WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO THE USA ??????!!!!!!!!   stay tuned here.
Watching for His return,
Mark calendars for big May Singles Event....Sunday May 29   1:00-5:00pm 5400 Minors Lane Picnic, activities, fun, fellowship.  Bring your own picnic lunch!  dress casual.  see ya there!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

tonight Source Group devotional

Had a great time with you all last Saturday night at Clifton's! Looking forward to our Annual City Wide Singles Picnic Sunday May 29 1-5pm at Picnic Pavillion 5400 Minor Lane.  Bring your own favorite picnic lunch.  We will have music, games, activities for everyone.
The Second Coming of Jesus Christ
read pages 45-50 "Jesus is coming" by Diana Scheich
Rapture: happens before 2nd coming,  we GO UP to meet Christ, saints are delivered from wrath, can happen anytime.
2nd Coming:  happens after Rapture,  Christ COMES DOWN to earth, unsaved will experience God's wrath, all the world must hear the gospel first.
Matt. 24:14, 29-31
Zech. 14 describes that after horrible persecutions and trials, Israel will recognize and receive Jesus Christ as their Messiah.
Rev. 14:20
Jesus will take His throne in Jerusalem and Satan will be chained for 1,000 years.
What is the Millennium?
It is the 1,000 year period when Jesus Christ will rule and reign from Jerusalem after the second coming. Rev. 20 (refers to this 6 times)
A time of PEACE, HEALTH, and PROSPERITY..  All resurrected believers will rule with Christ and be His ambassadors on the earth.  Their resurrected bodies will be like Christ's and they will live forever. Rev. 20:6
No demonic influence or torment will be on the earth..
The people who escaped the upheavals of nature, wars, plagues and did not take the Mark of the Beast will repopulate the earth.
Read list of blessings that will be present then (page 49-50).
Christ will rule and judge the nations.  The sheep nations(those who befriended Israel) will be allowed to enjoy the Millennial Kingdom.  The goat nations (those who persecuted Israel) will be cursed and "go away into everlasting punishment" Matt. 25:31-46.
Zech. 12:10;13:1.  The curse will be removed from the earth that entered because of Adam and Eve's sin.
Premillennialism:  a belief that Christ will return at the end of the 7 year Tribulation.
Postmillennialism:  a belief that Christianity will eventually defeat all evil and then Christ will return to rule and reign on earth.
Amillennialists:  believe that the 1,000-year Millennium is symbolic and presently in progress.
.......The Millennial Reign is not the ending of the Story of the Ages.  There will still be one more great battle followed by the New Heavens and Earth.
It's Getting Exciting Anticipating the Rapture of the Church,

Friday, April 15, 2011

rsvp for Clifton's Pizza.....6pm tomorrow night

We have a great group already signed up for our Annual Thunder Over Louisville Clifton Pizza Company Dinner.
Its Saturday night April 16 6-8pm at 2230 Frankfort Ave.  Clifton's Pizza Company
Some will head home or to other commitments after dinner and some will head down to the Fireworks (nearby) together...totally up to you!  However,  dinner and fellowship will be A HIGHLIGHT!
Call 593-2117 or rsvp to this email if you  are planning on attending.
Next Event:  City-Wide Singles Memorial Day Picnic   5400 Minors Lane Picnic Pavillion  1-5pm Sunday May 29! come and bring a friend. 

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


RSVP TO 964-3304 ext 1129 or to this email if you are planning to join us for THE BEST PIZZA IN TOWN and THE BEST CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP IN TOWN This Saturday 6-8pm at 2230 Frankfort Ave.
Some may carpool to watch Fireworks after dinner....some may just enjoy dinner with us.  Either way, don't miss out on a fun night!
Devotional thoughts for Thurs. April 14....6:15-7:15pm at Minors Lane foyer for Singles Source Group Bible Study
read pages 41-44  "Jesus is coming" by Diana Scheich
The Judgment Seat of Jesus Christ:
This will happen after a Christian's death or after their Rapture. 2 Cor. 5:10
If you appear before this judgment you are saved but you will give an account of your deeds at this judgment....for rewards and/or loss.  Remember:  You truly can take nothing with you but your good works and the souls you win for Him!
Mal. 3:16-17.
(This is not the Great White Throne Judgment (Rev. 20:11-15) at the end of the Millennium...which will be for all of the unsaved people who have ever lived.)
Crowns for Christians:
5 different crowns promised for some Believers:
1.  Crown of Glory   1Pet. 5:4  for faithful Pastors and elders
2.  Crown of Rejoicing  I Thes. 2:19    for winning others to Christ
3.  Crown of Righteousness  2 Tim 4:8     for all who looked and longed for His return.
4.  Incorruptible Crown  I Cor. 9:25     for pure living on Earth
5.  Crown of Life   Rev. 2:10   for Martyrs
.....Revelation 3:11......
The Marriage Supper of the Lamb:
SOS 2:4....the BRIDE of Christ
3 phases to an Israeli wedding in ancient times:
1.  the Betrothal...type and pic of accepting Christ as Lord and Savior
2.  The groom prepared a place for the Bride.  John 14:1-3
3.  Wedding Day  (late at night)....a type of the Rapture of the Church.
Rev. 19:7-10
Parable of 10 virgins in Matt. 25:1-13 may be about Christian saints being raptured or Jewish believers being ready for the coming of the Lord.....EITHER WAY, ALWAYS BE READY FOR THE COMING OF THE LORD
Hope you see many of you Saturday!