Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Thunder over Louisville Annual Dinner....Memorial Day Picnic....June Bike Ride/Walk...Devotional for March 31

Saturday April 16....Annual Thunder Over Louisville Dinner...Clifton's Pizza 2230 Frankfort Avenue... 6:00pm(rsvp by April 14)
Sunday May 29.....Annual City-Wide Singles Memorial Day Picnic...5400 Minor Lane Picnic Pavilion...1:00-4:00pm
Saturday June 18....Riverfront Bike Ride/Walk and dinner.....3:00pm-6:30pm
Had a great time with a table full of wonderful friends at Sake Blue this month!  Looking forward to getting with you all at Cliftons in April.
Next week....Thurs. April 7...Singles Source Group at Mcalisters across from Jmall.....
Devotional for Thurs. March 31
read pages 37-40  Jesus is Coming by Diana Scheich
Will There be other raptures after the rapture of the Church?
YES! those who accept Christ and are martyred will be resurrected and ascend to Heaven (Rev. 7:9-17)
What about the 144,000 Jewish evangelists....who are seen in Heaven after these things (Rev. 14:1)?
The 2 mighty witnesses will be resurrected for all to see after laying dead for 3 days. (Rev. 11:11-13)
What is the Battle of Armageddon?
It will take place during the last days of the Tribulation.  It will take place on Mount Megiddo (Valley of Jezreel) in Israel.  This Armageddon is in Northern Israel.
The global armies will cover an area of about 150-200 miles from north to south.  The world military forces will fight against the Antichrist (leader of European Union--Revived Roman Empire and "New World Order").  Many think that the Antichrist will also command the armies of the West.  Zech. 14:1-3 describes house-to-house combat in Jerusalem.
1.  "The Kings of the south" (Egypt and her allies)  Dan. 11:25
2.  "The Kings of the North" (Syria and her allies which will include Russia)  Dan. 11
3.  "The Kings of the East" (200,000,000 man army from the Orient)  Will kill 1/3 of humanity as they march toward Israel. Rev. 16:12
The Ataturk Dam will stop the flow of the Euphrates River.  There is word of a costly superhighway being built from China to the Middle East currently.
It will be the worst war ever  Rev. 14:20.
100 lb hailstones will fall from the sky (Rev. 16:21)
Rev. 14:15
Rev. earthquake...which will prepare the earth for the Millennial reign of Christ.
Babylon will be destroyed in one hour....flames...Rev. 18.
Violent Natural events will destroy much of the earth...volcanoes, hurricanes and floods.
Luke 21:25-26  "And there will be signs in the sun,....."
Before this great battle, there will be nuclear, biological and chemical warfare around the world.
*****The battle will be brought to an end by the appearance of Jesus who puts an end to a nearly gobal-sized battle that would otherwise finish all life on earth.********
Zech. 14:12...the plague against all who fought against Jerusalem....
Let's Share our Faith in Christ with everyone we meet,

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Devotional for thurs. March 24......ANNUAL THUNDER OVER LOUISVILLE DINNER AND FIREWORKS April 16

Mark your calendar for Saturday April 16.....We will eat at Clifton's Pizza on Frankfort Ave, then carpool to Marcus' home off Zorn Ave. to watch the Fireworks and miss the traffic afterwards!!!!!   Details to come!
Read pages 33-36  "Jesus is coming" by Diana Schiech
Who is the Antichrist?
I John 2:18  
The Unholy Trinity:  Satan, False Prophet and the Antichrist (Rev. 16:13)
Satan always tries to mimic the things of God
The False Prophet mimics the Holy Spirit
The Antichrist mimics Jesus
President of the European Union(revived Roman Empire)
Israel will be deceived and sign the peace treaty.
This will mark the beginning of the Tribulation Period (Dan. 9:27).
Israel will be forced to worship him.
He will cruelly oppress the Jews and all believers (those who accept Christ during the Tribulation period) until Jesus'Second Coming.
Antichrist Names and Characteristics:
A Beast, Man of Sin, Lawless One, Abomination, Little Horn, Prince Who is to Come, Vile Person, King who does according to his own will.
How To Know the Antichrist:
(see 10 ways page 34)
What is the Mark of the Beast?
Rev. 13:16-18
Today, due to the economic crisis, the information explosion and modern technology, it is easy to see how the world is heading toward a cashless society.
Rev. 16:2 "foul and loathsome"
See ya Thursday (6:15pm minors lane foyer) if you can make it,

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

This thursday March 17 Devotional thoughts....This Saturday March 19 Sake Blue Dinner

We have just 4 more empty seats at this Saturday's Dinner at the Japanese Restaurant - Sake Blue.  Call me asap 593-2117 to grab a spot.  Sake Blue Japanese Restaurant  9326 Cedar Center Way   40291 (Near Walmart at Gene Snyder and Bardstown Rd) 708-1500.  SEE YA AROUND 5:15PM SATURDAY!
Read Pages 29-32  "Jesus is coming" by Diana Scheich
What is the Tribulation?
7 years....last 3 1/2 are the worst  Matt. 24:22.  It will be worse than all terrible events in history combined.  "Jacob's Trouble", "Wrath of the Lamb", "Wrath of God", or "Day of the Lord."
The Four Horses of the Apocolypse:
1.  a White Horse
2.  a Red Horse
3.  a Black Horse
4.  a Pale Horse
Rev. 6:17
As the 7 years progress, the judgments increase in intensity.  (see page 30 list)
It is estimated that 2/3 of the earth's population will die during the Tribulation.
Who is the False Prophet?
A false prophet is either called by himself, a false religious leader or Satan.  Rev. 13 porphet is commissioned by the Deceiver and Destroyer of the Ages, Satan, himself.
He will be a master deceiver and very influential religious leader who will assume spiritual control over the entire world, prepare the way for the Antichrist, mimicking the way John the Baptist prepared the way for Jesus Christ.
False Prophet described in Rev. 13:
Will be able to perform miracles,  promotes worship of the Antichrist,   Controls the "Mark of the Beast" (666), and empowers the image of the Beast.  
Luke 21:8....protect yourself from deception.
The Apostate--False Last Days' Church
The Great Harlot   Rev. 17
The apostate church believes there are many ways to Heaven.
Traits of the apostate church:
1.  Deny the infallibility of God's Holy Word
2.  Deny the power of the Cross, Christ's atoning Blood and the power of the Holy Spirit
3.  Deny Jesus is the only Way to Heaven (I John 4:3)
4.  Draw attention away from Christ and to themselves or another (2Pet. 2:18)
5.  Greedy for fame and fortune (2 Pet. 2:15)
6.  Will not address sin or its consequences (James 4:8-10; 2 Pet. 2:19-21)
John 14:6    I Pet. 1:18-19
Blessings to you,

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

RSVP to this email for Sake Blue Dinner...Sat. March 19th 5:15pm....Devotional "the Gog Magog War"

There are a few seats left for our March Fellowship Dinner at Sake Blue.....5:15pm March 19th!  Enjoy the fun, food, to this email or call me at 593-2117 asap.
Read Pages 23-26 "Jesus is Coming" by Diana Schiech
Read Ezekiel 38-39
Israel is the center of all end-time prophecy.
Zech. 12:2 (read)...a country less than 8,000 square miles!
After the prophet Ezekiel was taken captive by the Babylonians in 597B.C., the prophet Jeremiah prophesied that one day Israel would be reborn.  Ez. 37:21
Israel was allowed to return home and being rebuilding their temple in 537B.C....but they were never a nation again until May 14, 1948.
Its almost like reading today's paper when we read about how surrounding hostile nations will rise up against Israel in the last days soon after they are reborn (Ez. 38-39). Prime Minister Netanyahu recently stated that Ezekiel 37 had been fulfilled. So when will the Ez. 38-39 war take place?  Practically all Islamic countries want to see Islam retake Jerusalem and the entire country of Israel.
read Ex. 38:9-10.
8 participants:
Russia (Rosh), Central Asia (Magog), Turkey (Meshech), Turkey, southern Russia & Iran (Tubal), Iran (Persia), Sudan & Libya (Ethiopia/Cush), Turkey (Gomer), southern Turkey (Beth-togarmah), Leader of Coalition (Gog)..."and many peoples with you."
Ez. 38:13 indicates that possibly Spain and English-speaking nations will weakly protest the invasion but will not be able to help.  This is because God Almighty, Himself will take over this battle!  It will take seven months to bury the Dead (Ez. 39:12) and Israel will use the discarded weapons for firewood for seven years (Ez. 39:9).
Scholars believe that this war will take place right before or soon after the Antichrist and Israel sign a 7 year peace treaty that marks the beginning of the Tribulation period (Dan. 9:27).
After the 7 years of Tribulation, there will be a massive world war at Armageddon.
Rev. 6:4 describes the Second Seal....the Fiery Red Horse of the Apocalypse.
It is amazing to learn that only one-sixth of the opposing army will remain (Ez. 39:2).  God's Victory!
However, After the Islamic army suffers such great defeat, the way will be clear for Antichrist to gain influence and control over the world without much resistance.  There will be a false peace when Israel rebuilds their temple the first three and one half years of Peace Treaty.      
May we be keenly aware of the nearness of Christ's Rapture of the church.  Any day now!....!....!
Excited about God's plans,