.We certainly had a great time of fellowship and enjoyment at the "Mercy Me" concert at the State Fair last night! Thanks to all of you who joined us there. We had over 30 Singles sitting together in the great seats Vance had sved for us!!!! Thanks, Vance. Attending the concert as a group was a great idea, Faith!:)
This Thurs. August 26....Source Group at Minors Lane 7:30-8:30pm (see devotional below)
Thurs. Sept. 2....Blue/Red Tailgate service at EWPC Minors Lane 6:30-8:30pm. We will tailgate together in an area...look for us and join us for food and fellowship, then a great service with music, prayer, and the Word. Sign up with Cindy if you want to bring food. 968-7744ext. 2. Bring your lawn chair!
Thurs. Sept. 9....McAlister'a on Outer Loop across from Jefferson Mall for dinner/devotions 6:00-7:15pm . We will meet here for our Source Group once a month.********************** NEW SOURCE GROUP TIME IS 6:00-7:15PM EACH THURSDAY EVENING BEGINNING SEPT. 9. SERVICE IN SANCTUARY FOLLOWING.*****************
Loyalty: Stolen Hearts
read pages 31-39 Character Matters by Dr. Mark Rutland
Discuss how Absalom exploited his father, David.
2 Sam. 15:6 The throne was Absalom's by birth. It would have gone to him if it were not for his untimely death. This was the inevitable end of his disloyalty and rebellion. Disloyalty caused his rebellion....rebellion cost him his life.
Loyalty in Action:
Read scenario of 5 Sunday School teachers and their loyalty to their Pastor. (p.34)
The Strata of Loyalty:
Not all loyalties are created equal. Spheres of loyalty will often conflict. Weakness and instability in character will be the result of failure to distinguish levels of loyalty and to resolve this inner conflict.
James 1:8
We can avoid this conflict if we work downward from the ultimate loyalty. Establish the non-negotiable.
Discuss 2 examples of confused loyalties (p. 36)...1. Christian Woman asked to become involved in prostitution by her non-Christian husband. 2. Christian woman who embezzled money for her boyfriend.
Marriage: Our Covenant of Loyalty-
Loyalty to spouse is second only to loyalty to God. When counselling couples shaken by extramarital affairs, our suthor found that husbands and wives generally ask very different questions. Betrayed husbands ask about the sex. Wounded wives more frequently ask, "Did you talk about me with her?"
Loyalty in marriage is quite the same as loyalty in any other relationship. It means constantly building up the other, even at one's own risk or expense. When you tear your husband or wife down in front of others, it not only shows your attitude of disloyalty, but also makes the disloyal mate look disgusting in the eyes of those present. Let's encourage those we love to be loyal to their spouse in their public conversations. We are doing them a favor if we lovingly do this.
Keeping you in my Prayers,