Hope you are enjoying this beautiful fall weather and amazing display of color! It is a gift from the creative heart of God to each of us.
Hope to see everyone this Friday evening at Roger Hoagland's home: 10225 Bardstown Bluff Road (exit Gene Snyder and go south about 3 miles on Bardstown Road toward Mt. Wahington. When you see the Bootleg BBQ place on the right, get in the left turning lane and you will turn left onto Bardstown Bluff Road. Go up the hill past the white Baptist Church about 3 driveways on the left. You will see cars parked across from Roger's house on the cleared grassy shoulder on the right. Park there and walk down the tree covered driveway.) We will be inspired by our guest, Jed Smock, at 6:30.....then have a celebration. (call Doris 762-3330 for more info). Bring a jacket for the bonfire.
Read pages 41-45 "One in a Million"
Study Deut. 8:2-4 Deut. 1:2
Recall a time in your wilderness when God gave you a reminder of His faithfulness. Read the following passage where God showed the Israelites that he wanted them to recognize that HE should remain their primary focus and hearts' desire as they approached the beauties and glories of Canaan.
"He humbled you and let you be hungry; and fed you with manna which you did not know; nor did your fathers know; that He might make you understand that man does not live by bread alone, but man lives by everything that proceeds out of the mouth of the Lord. Your clothing did not wear out on you, nor did your foot swell these forty years." Deut. 8:3-4
What change might remembering God's goodness bring about in your attitude when you are in the wilderness? How about in the land of abundance?
Deut. 1:2 states that is should have taken them only 11 days to journey from Horeb to Kadesh-barnea. It took them 40 YEARS! The KEY to taking full possession of the land God promised was OBEDIENCE, but the key to finding full appreciation of it was found in remembering God's goodness and protection through their extended years in the wilderness. Sometimes it takes real effort to remember the GOOD STUFF when times are hard.
Consider this:
Which of the following best describes your current stop on the wilderness journey?
-- I'm in Egypt still contemplating freedom.
-- I'm at Etham on the edge of the wilderness. I'm just getting started.
-- I'm wandering in a desert, so I must be in the middle of my journey.
-- I'm at Kadesh-barnea. I'm at the edge of an abundant relationship with God!
God was preparing the Israelites for two things:
How do you like to be stripped of your PRIDE? Each of us can think of people who, after beginning to see God's goodness in their lives, began to think more highly of themselves than they ought. Perhaps the person you are thinking of is YOU! The wilderness, designed to foster humility, presented hardships that revealed the hidden motives and objectives of their hearts.
Think about it: Could the wilderness be designed to reveal whether we really WANT GOD or if we just want to "get out of town" and to Canaan as soon as possible. Do we desire HIM or the FLUFF of Canaan?
Do you have a trusted accountability partner? Have them evaluate your walk with God as they see it:
1. Are you a humble person who appreciates God's goodness to you? During dry seasons? during abundant seasons?
2. Do you say or do anything that calls into question your motives for following God?
3. Does it appear that your primary aim is to obey God at all costs?
Consider these things and we will talk together Thursday night at 7:30 again!
Your friend in Christ,