Announcing the 2009 Evangel Singles Canoe/Kayak trip to the wild and wooly Elkhorn Creek near Frankfort, KY.
For those who have been in the past, you know the routine. For those that haven’t… we hook up on Saturday morning around 9:30am, we drive to Canoe KY in Frankfort. Hit the river around 11am, lunch on the river, and paddle till late afternoon… basically about 4-5 hours on the water. We then break to change clothes and hit a great restaurant on the way back. We’re thinking possibly the Old Stone Inn in Simpsonville or Claudia Sanders on the way back.
It’s a great day of fun, sun, friends, food, and of course… water All set in the absolutely beautiful and scenic Bluegrass Region of Frankfort Kentucky. Oh and it’s really safe. Not much Whitewater here. Mostly class 1 or 2 rapids which one can easily wade through. You can rent either a canoe or Kayak. I recommend Kayaks in they are much easier to deal with and more fun. Canoes fit two people, kayaks one. You’re invited and feel free to invite friends.
When: Saturday May 16th 9:30am
Where to meet: Evangel World Conference Center, Billtown Road.
Destination: Canoe Kentucky in Frankfort KY
Cost: $35 for kayak. $55 for canoe (fits 2)
What to bring: Wear clothes to get wet in, old tennis shoes, aqua shoes, or sandles. Drinks, lunch in small cooler (which we’ll leave in our cars at the outfitter), change of clothes for dinner on the way home (totally casual).
To join in the fun, email us to confirm by May 8th so we can make the reservations.