Hope to see you each Thursday at Minors Lane for Pyros prayer and praise at 6:30....Singles Source class at 7:30pm. This will be our schedule on Thursdays at least until Easter.
Mark your calendar: Friday March 20....6:30-8:00pm Prayer, communion and fellowship at Roger's home THEN Bowling at Kingpen 8:30-10:30pm THEN coffee after that. Friday and/or Saturday March 27-28 Singles conference in Etown
from "The Bait of Satan" for February 19, 2009
Read pages 51-55 and pages 201-203
The Planted Flourish....
Psl. 92:13-15 "Those who are planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God. They shall still bear fruit in old age; They shall be fresh and flourishing, to declare that the Lord is upright." If we keep changing the place where we are planted, we will never grow
spiritually the way God intends. Consider the churches you have belonged to in the last ten years and why you have changed churches. If offense was the reason for changing churches (and there are certainly other reasons that are understandable), then the author suggests you are carrying the bait of Satan from one place to the next, potentially sowing negative seeds and spiritual barrenness wherever you go.
Read Psl 1:1-3, Psl. 119:165, and Mark 4:16-17
List 5 benefits that come to you when you refuse to take up an offense and are planted in a church and/or singles fellowship:__________________ Some people are solely motivated by developing their own ministry. If God puts them in a place where encouragement and recognition do not come their way, they become offended. Many times offended people uproot themselves prematurely, complain, blame the leadership, and never take the time to reflect inwardly and realize their own shortcomings.
Consider the example found in trees and plants. If a young tree could choose, it would probably choose to get out of the rain, hot sun, and wind. Roots only grow down deeper through adverse circumstances. If the gardener would uproot the tree and transplant it every time things got rough, it would never become stable and strong enough to produce fruit. Consider the parable of the sower (Mark 4): The author comments: "Once you leave the place God has chosen for you, your root system begins to dwarf. The next time it will be easier for you to flee from adversity
because you have been careful not to root yourself deeply. You end up coming to the place where you have little or no strength to endure hardship or persecution." Learn to delight yourself in the Word of God so that when adversity comes, you are not easily offended. Allow your roots to grow deep into the soil of the Word of God.
Consider Cain and Abel:(Gen. 4) Cain brought an offering to the Lord from the works of his own hands. He worked hard for it. However, it was not what the Lord required. Obedience was more important to God (and still is!). Abel brought an offering of obedience. He brought his choice
firstborn of his flock. He didn't work hard for it, but it was something he held dear to his heart. Cain became offended that the Lord rejected his offering and corrected him. He took his offense out on his brother and killed him. God then cursed Cain's land and it became barren. The same is
true of our lives. Offended Christians cut off their own ability to produce fruit and are poisoned by bitterness. These people may still experience miracles, words of utterance, strong preaching, and healing in their lives. However, these are GIFTS of the Spirit, not Fruits. WE must realize that we will be judged by our fruit, not gifts. A GIFT IS GIVEN. FRUIT IS CULTIVATED! Cain developed a "Persecution Complex". Gen. 4:14 basically says that Cain felt that everyone was out to get him! Sound familiar? The natural tendency after this takes root is to isolate yourself. Prov. 18:1 cautions us that "A man who isolates himself seeks his own desire; he rages against all wise judgment."
Let's be determined to work through our conflicts with others and grow in our character through every difficulty that comes our way. God's power will be made perfect in our weakness. It is His promise to us as we persevere.
Growing Together in His Grace,
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
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