Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Movie and Dinner this weekend...
Here are the details for the Evangel Singles Movie and Dinner outing this Saturday. The movie we'll see is the 4:15pm showing of Blind Side at the Baxter Avenue Theatres. This is a Matinee showing so tickets are only $6.50. Everyone will meet at 3:45 - 4:00pm at the Theatre. Afterwards at 7:00pm we'll meet at Bearno's Pizza just down the road on Bardstown Road where we'll have a private party room reserved upstairs.
Here is a synposis of the film. People who have seen it, love it.
THE BLIND SIDE (PG13) Sandra Bullock, Tim McGraw and Kathy Bates star in The Blind Side, which depicts the remarkable true story of All-American football star Michael Oher (played by Quinton Aaron). A homeless African-American youngster from a broken home, Oher is taken in by the Touhys, a well-to-do white family who help him fulfill his potential on and off the football field. At the same time, Oher's presence in the Touhys' lives leads them to some insightful self-discoveries of their own. Living in his new environment, the teen faces a completely different set of challenges to overcome. As a football player and student, Oher works hard and, with the help of his coaches and adopted family, becomes an All-American offensive left tackle.
Address to Baxter Avenue Filmworks
1250 Bardstown Road
Louisville, KY 40204
(behind Mid City Mall on Baxter Ave.)
Here is the address for Bearno's Highlands
1318 Bardstown Rd
Louisville, KY 40204
Come on out, you'll be tired of turkey by then. See everyone there!
Your friends in the Evangel Singles Group. :)
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Church Wide meeting with Pastor Bob sharing his vision for the church....this Thursday Nov. 12 Source class
Hope to sit as a group with everyone one of you as pastor Bob shares his
vision about the direction of our church this Thursday night 6:30 (worship
time) 7:00 service. See you there!
***** Thanksgiving weekend fun!!!
Sat. Nov. 28 3:00 pm Baxter Theaters for movie.....then nearby
restaurant for dinner
call me at 964-3304 ext. 1129 or 904-955-5122 or email
me for more info and suggestions on movies.
Looking forward to a great time,
Monday, November 2, 2009
John Hagee this Thursday November source group
Monday, October 26, 2009
Things needed for the Party Saturday night
Hey everyone, here are some items we need for Friday night. If anyone would like to bring something, please email Doris at
Veggie tray with dip
Finger food desserts ( brownies, cookies, etc.)
(2) Gallon jug of apple cider
Soft drinks
Styrofoam cups
Shredded cheese
Hotdog buns
Evangel Singles Ministry
This weeks devotional....Friday Oct. 30 SINGLES NIGHT
Consider this:
God was preparing the Israelites for two things:
Do you have a trusted accountability partner? Have them evaluate your walk with God as they see it:
Consider these things and we will talk together Thursday night at 7:30 again!
Special Singles Event... Becky & Roger getting married party!
Hey Singles,
This is Tom Fawbush and Doris White, fellow members of the Evangel Singles Group. We wanted to invite everyone to a special get together for Singles Group in honor of Becky and Roger’s upcoming marriage. This will be special time to celebrate their engagement and wish them well. Becky has been a special blessing to each one of us in the singles group so this will be a wonderful opportunity to thank and bless her and Roger as they prepare their new lives together.
The get together will be at the singles Roger Hoagland’s house on Friday, October 30th at 8pm. However, before hand Jed Smock will be sharing and ministering for the scheduled home group meeting that evening from 6:30 – 8:00 pm. Jed has been a campus crusade preacher for 30 years. He is well-known nationally and has spoken at Evangel on a number of occasions. Jed was single until he was 40, and can certainly relate to issues of Christian singles. He was also a college professor and is a dynamic speaker. He has a great anointing, so you won’t want to miss him!
Roger Hoagland’s Home
10225 Bardstown Bluff Road
Friday Oct. 30 8pm. (or 6:30pm to see Ed Smock)
Afterwards, there will be chili, snacks, and hot apple cider to enjoy around a bonfire as we wish Becky and Roger best wishes for their future life together.
Some have asked for gift suggestions for Becky and Roger. Gift cards to Target or Walmart, gift certificate to any restaurant, or a Visa gift card. Gifts are not necessary, just your presence. Or a card with heartfelt note will be great!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Devotional : The Dry and Dusty Wilderness....and...Reminder: Jed Smock Friday Oct. 30
Looking forward to joining you all at the source group tomorrow night Thurs. Oc.t 15 at 7:30 in the foyer of Minors Lane campus. Bring your Bible. Here's some highlights for discussion:
The Dry and Dusty Wilderness read pages 33-36 "One in a Million"
Read Ex. 13:17-20 , Ex. 14:1-4, Isa. 55:8, Jer. 10:23, Job 42:5, Psl 145:17
When the Israelites left Egypt, they probably figured it would take about a month to arrive in Canaan (about 150 miles). Instead, they were led by God into a wilderness. How would you have felt if you were in the sandals of a Hebrew? They were in the desert on foot when a more convenient route obviously existed. They camped in Etham to prepare for their journey. The author equates Etham as a place where God gives a vision of what's coming. It’s a place to consider the challenge ahead. Perhaps He is asking you to stay in a rough marriage, to mother difficult children, to accept singleness, to choose full-time ministry, to let go of friendships, to suffer illness for a season, or to navigate a situation we feel we can't survive. It seems that we don't know the details of the life God is choosing for us at this time, but a quick look at the tumbleweed blowing across the landscape could be an indication of a dry place ahead…Are you camped at an "Etham" right now?
God's ways are not our ways. When you look at the Israelites journey, we now understand that travel through the wilderness protected them from military encounters that would have sent them back to Egypt. They witnessed so many miracles of God's provision and protection. Read I Peter 1:6-7 for insight on trials and their purpose in our lives.
Look at Job's story. He was a "blamesless, upright man, fearing God and turning away from evil". The pupose is found in Job 42:5…as Job says "I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear; but now my eye sees You." At this point, Job said that his relationship with the Lord went from one based on hearsay to one grounded in experience.
Think of a situation in which you "saw" God because of a wilderness experience. Don't be afraid of God's plan. "The Lord is righteous in all His ways and kind in all His deeds." Psl. 145:17
See ya Thursday!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Saturday October 3, 2009
3 meeting opportunities: (choose best for you)
* Meet at Evangel Christian School (Minors Lane) to carpool at 2:00pm
** Meet at Exit #112 (Bernheim)(off I 65) Shell station at 2:45pm to carpool in to Bernheim
***Meet on Visitor Center Drive picnic area between Visitor Center and Research Center (about 3/4 mile into the park) at 3:00
We will gather there at 3:00 and have 3 hiking trails to choose from:
Knob Top Trail (difficult)
Two Ponds Loop (moderate)
Nursery Loop (easy)
We will gather at 5:00 to have our picnic across from the Visitor Center. (there are restrooms, grills, picnic tables, shade, etc...)
Bring your own food and beverage of choice....a lounge chair or blanket (if you'd like)...frisbees, football, etc...
Bring $5.00 to share in carpool and gas expense.
The park closes between 6:30-7:00, so you can make your evening plans accordingly.
Invite a friend!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Tailgate details for TOMORROW for details about Oct. 3 HIKE/PICNIC
Saturday, September 12, 2009
New study book...get it!!!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
New study book...get it!!!
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Tomorrow Night - Special Conference Geared to Singles
Remember next week's bike ride as well.
Evangel Singles... :)
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Meeting at BILLTOWN (upstairs choir room) THIS THURSDAY for SOURCE 7:30-8:30pm
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Bait of Satan Devotional week of June 1st
We will be meeting in the foyer at Minors Lane this Thursday again for an
inspiring and challenging study about: Forgiveness: You Don't Give---You
Don't Get.
Read pages 121-126 and pages 229 - 231 Bait of Satan
Read Mark 11:24-26
"Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that
you receive them, and you will have them. And whenever you stand praying,
if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that your Father in heaven
may also forgive you your trespasses. But if you do not forgive, neither
will your Father in heaven forgive your trespasses."
God means what He says. In our present culture, people do not always keep
their word or mean what they say. Parents threaten to punish a child if
they do not obey, but rarely is that carried through. Therefore, we grow
up believing that people do not really mean what they say. When someone
does really follow through with a promise or penalty, we are shocked and
taken back. Jesus walks in a level of truth and integrity that transcends
our culture or society.
Study what Jesus said about forgiveness in these passages: Matt. 6:14-15;
Luke 6:37; Matt. 6:12.
Let's ask God to enable us to truly forgive the people who have offended us
so that we will be able to receive God's forgiveness.
See you all soon,
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Upcoming events and "Bait of Satan" devotional for May 21st
We'd like to take full advantage of this wonderful weather and plan another bike ride along the River trail, then dinner outside at a restaurant on the River. We are looking at Saturday June mark that on your calendar in pencil.
Friday evening June 5 - Meet at Minor Lane Prayer Chapel to spend time in corporate Worship and Prayer. The Music Ministry and Singles Ministry will lead this Worship Encounter the first Friday of each month. 10:00pm - 2:00am (stay as long as you desire....soup and salad served at 1:00am)
There will be SOURCE group tonight at Minors Lane.
(NO GROUP NEXT THURSDAY DUE TO ARTHUR BLESSITT in the sanctuary that night. Don't miss hearing this dynamic minister who carried the cross around the world.)
Bait of Satan
"But beware lest somehow this liberty of yours become a stumbling block to those who are weak." I Cor. 8:9
Consider these questions:
Take the "edification test" and remember how Paul summed up the heart of God in this matter:
Remember those He offended and why: The Pharisees when he healed on the Sabbath; Mary and Martha regarding Lazarus
Paul said: "We give no offense in anything, that our ministry may not be blamed" (2Cor. 6:3)
Prayerfully consider these thoughts!
Coming up Thurs. June 4.....FORGIVENESS: YOU DON'T GIVE--YOU DON'T GET !!!!!!!!!
You are very special to us and to God,
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Singles events and devotional for the week of May 4th
Consider these questions for yourself:
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Singles events and devotional for the week of May 4th
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Sunday, May 3, 2009
Bait of Satan devotional for the week of April 27
"Grace is Given to the Humble" read I Peter 5:5 and Phil.3:3
Trials and testing in life will bring to light what is truly in our heart. Our reaction and attitude will show if we pass the test of humility and consequently allow our roots to shoot down deeper, stabilizing us and our future. Failure to pass the test leaves us offended and defiled with bitterness.
Think about this:
Are you serving the Lord out of pride, self-confidence, or the hope that He will reward you for your service with material things or an easy life? OR Are you rooted and grounded in knowing that God would never do anything to harm or destroy you, and whatever He does or does not do in your life is in your best interest. If you know this, then you will give yourself freely to Him, lay your life down for Him, and cannot be offended because you are not your own. Can you say: "I trust You, God even though I don't understand." Read Hebrews 11:35-39 and you will be reminded of those who never saw the fulfillment of their promises from God and still did not waver.
complete these sentences:
My motivation for serving Christ is__________.
See you Thursday at Source,
"All that can be shaken will be shaken" devotional
Saturday, April 18, 2009
2009 Evangel Singles Canoe/Kayak Trip

Announcing the 2009 Evangel Singles Canoe/Kayak trip to the wild and wooly Elkhorn Creek near Frankfort, KY.
For those who have been in the past, you know the routine. For those that haven’t… we hook up on Saturday morning around 9:30am, we drive to Canoe KY in Frankfort. Hit the river around 11am, lunch on the river, and paddle till late afternoon… basically about 4-5 hours on the water. We then break to change clothes and hit a great restaurant on the way back. We’re thinking possibly the Old Stone Inn in Simpsonville or Claudia Sanders on the way back.
It’s a great day of fun, sun, friends, food, and of course… water All set in the absolutely beautiful and scenic Bluegrass Region of Frankfort Kentucky. Oh and it’s really safe. Not much Whitewater here. Mostly class 1 or 2 rapids which one can easily wade through. You can rent either a canoe or Kayak. I recommend Kayaks in they are much easier to deal with and more fun. Canoes fit two people, kayaks one. You’re invited and feel free to invite friends.
When: Saturday May 16th 9:30am
Where to meet: Evangel World Conference Center, Billtown Road.
Destination: Canoe Kentucky in Frankfort KY
Cost: $35 for kayak. $55 for canoe (fits 2)
What to bring: Wear clothes to get wet in, old tennis shoes, aqua shoes, or sandles. Drinks, lunch in small cooler (which we’ll leave in our cars at the outfitter), change of clothes for dinner on the way home (totally casual).
To join in the fun, email us to confirm by May 8th so we can make the reservations.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
2009 Thunder Details
Hey everyone!
Here are the details for this year's Thunder over Louisville hootenanny on Saturday April 18th. It's very similar to last years plans.
We're meeting for dinner at Clifton's Pizza Company, 2230 Frankfort Avenue at 6:30pm, then carpool to watch the rest of the air show and fireworks. If you want to skip the Clifton's meet up and just meet us on the lawn at around 8:30 - 9:00pm, see below for the meet up point. Here are directions to Clifton's. It’s located on Frankfort Avenue across from Genny’s Diner.
Here is the area where we’ll meet to watch the air show and fireworks Saturday around 8:30 - 9:00pm. This is next to the Water Park by the new Tumbleweed on the Louisville side. Parking is normally along River Road or on Adam’s street marked below in pink. There is a hill next to the restaurant that allows for a good view of the river and air show as shown below.

Call for more info:
Becky Goldsmith 904-955-5122
Tom Fawbush 396-5448
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Upcoming events!!!!! mark your calendars
We have two great events planned for April and May. Tentatively mark your calendars for:
No Source class this Thursday March 26 due to Jesse Duplantis at BilltownRoad Campus - 6:30pm.
No Source class next Thursday April 2 due to "The Road to Emmaeus" Illustrated Sermon
Let's really plan on a great Spring and Summer of Fellowship and Fun with other Singles.
Your Friend,
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
This week's events!!!!
act hastily."
Please come and join us if you can.
This Friday night...March 20 6:30-8:00pm Prayer and fellowship at Roger Hoagland's home 10225 Bardstown Bluff Road.40291 (my phone number is 904-955-5122) (Go South on Bardstown road toward Mt. Washington about 3 miles from the Gene Snyder Freeway...turn left at Bardstown Bluff road...Roger's house is about 3 driveways past the White Baptist church.
Park across from his driveway on the right. You will see cars.) 8:30 -- whenever...Bowling at
KingPin on Taylorsville Road. Lots of people have said they are coming. We will have a great time together.
See ya soon,
PS, Here's a pic from our outing to Ski Paoli.... What a fun trip.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Bait of Satan devotional for Thursday February 19....The Planted Flourish
Mark your calendar: Friday March 20....6:30-8:00pm Prayer, communion and fellowship at Roger's home THEN Bowling at Kingpen 8:30-10:30pm THEN coffee after that. Friday and/or Saturday March 27-28 Singles conference in Etown
from "The Bait of Satan" for February 19, 2009
Read pages 51-55 and pages 201-203
The Planted Flourish....
Psl. 92:13-15 "Those who are planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God. They shall still bear fruit in old age; They shall be fresh and flourishing, to declare that the Lord is upright." If we keep changing the place where we are planted, we will never grow
spiritually the way God intends. Consider the churches you have belonged to in the last ten years and why you have changed churches. If offense was the reason for changing churches (and there are certainly other reasons that are understandable), then the author suggests you are carrying the bait of Satan from one place to the next, potentially sowing negative seeds and spiritual barrenness wherever you go.
Read Psl 1:1-3, Psl. 119:165, and Mark 4:16-17
List 5 benefits that come to you when you refuse to take up an offense and are planted in a church and/or singles fellowship:__________________ Some people are solely motivated by developing their own ministry. If God puts them in a place where encouragement and recognition do not come their way, they become offended. Many times offended people uproot themselves prematurely, complain, blame the leadership, and never take the time to reflect inwardly and realize their own shortcomings.
Consider the example found in trees and plants. If a young tree could choose, it would probably choose to get out of the rain, hot sun, and wind. Roots only grow down deeper through adverse circumstances. If the gardener would uproot the tree and transplant it every time things got rough, it would never become stable and strong enough to produce fruit. Consider the parable of the sower (Mark 4): The author comments: "Once you leave the place God has chosen for you, your root system begins to dwarf. The next time it will be easier for you to flee from adversity
because you have been careful not to root yourself deeply. You end up coming to the place where you have little or no strength to endure hardship or persecution." Learn to delight yourself in the Word of God so that when adversity comes, you are not easily offended. Allow your roots to grow deep into the soil of the Word of God.
Consider Cain and Abel:(Gen. 4) Cain brought an offering to the Lord from the works of his own hands. He worked hard for it. However, it was not what the Lord required. Obedience was more important to God (and still is!). Abel brought an offering of obedience. He brought his choice
firstborn of his flock. He didn't work hard for it, but it was something he held dear to his heart. Cain became offended that the Lord rejected his offering and corrected him. He took his offense out on his brother and killed him. God then cursed Cain's land and it became barren. The same is
true of our lives. Offended Christians cut off their own ability to produce fruit and are poisoned by bitterness. These people may still experience miracles, words of utterance, strong preaching, and healing in their lives. However, these are GIFTS of the Spirit, not Fruits. WE must realize that we will be judged by our fruit, not gifts. A GIFT IS GIVEN. FRUIT IS CULTIVATED! Cain developed a "Persecution Complex". Gen. 4:14 basically says that Cain felt that everyone was out to get him! Sound familiar? The natural tendency after this takes root is to isolate yourself. Prov. 18:1 cautions us that "A man who isolates himself seeks his own desire; he rages against all wise judgment."
Let's be determined to work through our conflicts with others and grow in our character through every difficulty that comes our way. God's power will be made perfect in our weakness. It is His promise to us as we persevere.
Growing Together in His Grace,
Friday, January 23, 2009
upcoming activity....and Bait of Satan thoughts
Keep open Saturday Feb. 7 on your calendar! We are making plans to go Snow Tubing at Paoli, Indiana for 2 hours in the afternoon, then go to dinner at a special place. Let me know if that sounds good to you.
Pull up info at . It is only $22.00 for 2 hours and we can carpool there.
I hope you received my test email earlier this week. Some have said they received it but couldn't reply back to it. I am so sorry for the confusion. We are working diligently on taking care of the problems so we can communicate freely again. Please be patient and email me directly to let me know if you received this.
I have seen many of you at the PYROS prayer and worship sessions since the beginning of the fast. It has been a wonderful experience....and continues to be so. Pastor has extended the sessions through the end of the month (except there will be no 8:00-10:00pm sessions the week of Jan. 26). Please join us as often as you can.
Our Source class will resume on the first Thursday in February at 6:30 at Minors Lane, since the Pastor has asked to have a worship service in the sanctuary on Thurs. Jan. 29th again. Sorry for the delay in continuing our sessions on "The Bait of Satan", but hopefully you have been reading on in your book. I have done that. Here are excerpts from the next section we will be studying and discussing on Feb. 5.
"How Spiritual Vagabonds are Born" Read pages 45-51 and pages 198-200.
"The Lord forbid that I should do this thing to my master, the Lord's anointed, to stretch out my hand against him, seeing he is the anointed of the Lord." so David restrained his servants with these words, and did not allow them to rise against Saul. 1 Samuel 24:6-7
I did not realize that Saul chased David for 14 years! Did you?...And we think we have had it bad?! During this horrible time, David's heart was being tested by God to see whether David would kill to establish his kingdom after the order of Saul, or whether he would allow God to establish His Throne forever in HIS OWN TIME. Only God has the right to judge and avenge (Romans 12:19) Key Points: It is wrong to do a right thing in the wrong way....and Yes, Saul deserved to be judged and punished, but by God, not by David.
TO DO: Think of a time when you took vengeance into your own hands and did not wait upon God. Describe the situation and its outcome or consequences..........
Read 1Samuel 1-5. It is shows an example of being under the authority of a disobedient leader. Remember: God placed Samuel, an innocent child, under the corrupt priesthood of Israel. However, Samuel learned to LEAN UPON, TRUST, and HEAR directly from God through that experience. God did eventually deal with the corrupt leaders. When God allows us to be in an uncomfortable place, we certainly can choose to take up an offense and run, or we can remain and learn. Bevere says truly that Offended people REACT to the offending situation and do things that appear right even though not inspired by God. WE ARE NOT CALLED TO REACT TO PEOPLE OR SITUATIONS BUT TO ACT OBEDIENTLY IN RESPONSE TO GOD. His divine purpose is to MATURE< REFINE< and STRENGTHEN us!
Ask yourself these important questions: 1. Do I run from God's refining pressure? 2. Do I complain when under pressure? 3. Do I justify my sin and condemn sin in others? 4. Do I expect spiritual leaders to be perfect when I am not? 5. Am I willing to listen to God and wait on His leading? 6. Read Isaiah 55:12. Am I willing to leave in peace?
Enjoying the journey together,
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Thank you,