Thursday, July 12, 2012

Re: Evangel Singles Event - This Saturday!

If lost or need info call Bob at 812-595-3003 or becky 502-593-2117. Noon  lunch in tea room at Herbal gardens restaurant near hardy lake. Lake  activities following.

On Thu, Jul 12, 2012 at 11:50 AM, Evangel Singles Ministry <> wrote:
Come on out to our Singles Event at Hardy Lake in Southern Indiana this Saturday.  Lunch at local restaurant at Noon.  Events at lake all day.  Bonfire a night.  RSVP to this email.  Look for signs on the road to direct you to the lake.  See attached for directions.    See you there!

Evangel Singles Event - This Saturday!

Come on out to our Singles Event at Hardy Lake in Southern Indiana this Saturday.  Lunch at local restaurant at Noon.  Events at lake all day.  Bonfire a night.  RSVP to this email.  Look for signs on the road to direct you to the lake.  See attached for directions.    See you there!